1/ I read Lafferty & Manca (2015) Perspectives on social media in and as research: A synthetic review DOI: 10.3109/09540261.2015.1009419 #5Papers Continue reading “Perspectives on social media in and as research: A synthetic review – An Article Review“
Tag: Research
Lessons Learned from Using Shadowing as a Qualitative Research Technique in Education: An Article Summary
1/ I read Ferguson (2016) Lessons learned from using shadowing as a qualitative research technique in Education Continue reading “Lessons Learned from Using Shadowing as a Qualitative Research Technique in Education: An Article Summary“
January Reading via #5Papers
Reading research stimulates me, helps keep me current, and continues to challenge and move my ideas forward.
Thus, I will try #5Papers–reading and sharing Continue reading “January Reading via #5Papers“
Let’s Make Article Summaries! Thoughts on Ragged Edges
I get new articles and read some of them every day, so why not Continue reading “Let’s Make Article Summaries! Thoughts on Ragged Edges“
Research Evaluation Tools for Articles in the Social Sciences (DRAFT)
UPDATED on September 9, 2013:
These tools were again revised, with the current version on my Research Tools page.
Feedback is always appreciated.
UPDATED on August 21, 2013:
Based on some very helpful feedback, I revised these two tools:
- Qualitative Research Evaluation Tool for Articles in the Social Sciences (DRAFT v12)
- Quantitative Research Evaluation Tool for Articles in the Social Sciences (DRAFT v6)
As before, feedback will be most appreciated.
I am in the process of creating 2 tools to help my graduate research students assess and evaluate research studies, and am interested in getting some feedback on them. They are:
- Qualitative Research Evaluation Tool for Articles in the Social Sciences (DRAFT v10)
- Quantitative Research Evaluation Tool for Articles in the Social Sciences (DRAFT v4)
While I have seen various tools for specific purposes, I have not seen many that were intended for general use in the social sciences. Furthermore, while these cannot be applied to every qualitative or quantitative study in the social sciences, they are intended to be applicable to most of them.
Do these work? Are they helpful? Is there anything major missing or that should be combined, edited, or refined? Any feedback at all will be most appreciated.
Once I finalize these, I will make them freely available under a Creative Commons license.