2016 Goals – How Did I Do?

I know I have not blogged in some time, so no better time than the present (i.e., the New Year)!

So, how did I do with my goals for 2016? Last year, I hoped to:

Think, Believe, and Act with a Healthy Balance

To do that, I decided to try / do FOUR things. So I would not forget them, I had them linked on the top of my blog AND I kept them next to my daily / next day / week to-do list, so they would never be far away.

  1. Delete-Do-File (of email, mail, communication, and expectations) — Pretty well, overall. I achieved #InboxZero several times during the year, and ended 2016 with a grand total of 11 emails in my Inbox. Alas, there were about Click Here to Continue Reading

How Do You Write Posts?

blogI have writing a few more blog posts recently, and while I enjoy the process of thinking about and then sharing some of my ideas, this is still somehow not second nature to me.

Granted, I have a number of fantastic role models (to name just a few!) in the connected and networked learning space — Rebecca Hogue, Laura Gogia, Maha Bali, Jenny Mackness, Frances BellSarah Honeychurch, and Autumm Caines — their seemingly constant and often in-depth articles that seem so thought-out and developed! They are both role-models (I wish I could write like that) and


There are writing suggestions, guides, and outlines.

and part of this involves thinking about why I DON’T write as much.

Workplace (Professional) Learning: Factors & Considerations (Decision Support Tool)

** This image file was slightly revised and updated on 8/4/16. It is now titled: Professional Learning: Factors & Considerations Before  Selecting a Learning Strategy.

I wanted to share my revised version of the Workplace Learning: Factors & Considerations Before Selecting a Learning Strategy Decision Support Tool I developed to help frame questions and organizational considerations before selecting a learning strategy. It is easy to determine we need eLearning or a MOOC or video-based training before conducting an organizational environmental scan (related to a learner gap analysis, but different in that it considers and focuses on organizational strategies and other factors that will ultimately determine the direction learning in the workplace will take. This was created to start conversations early in the process, and while Continue readingWorkplace (Professional) Learning: Factors & Considerations (Decision Support Tool)