1/ I read Jones, Kelsey, Nelmes, Chinn, Chinn, & Proctor-Childs (2016)…
2/ …Introducing Twitter as an assessed component of the undergraduate nursing curriculum: case study doi: 10.1111/jan.12935
3/ This study on Twitter use in undergraduate nursing just came out, and is similar to my nursing extra credit https://silenceandvoice.com/2016/01/31/twitter-extra-credit-for-graduate-and-doctoral-courses/
4/ This study intended to determine the feasibility of including Twitter as an assessed element in a first-year nursing course
5/ If #nursing student Twitter use can be assessed, and if students learn anything with it or find it useful
6/ I like the article’s clear statements of why this research was needed, its findings, and implications for practice
7/ While #nurses may be late adopters, digital practice enhances nurse employability and digital professionalism
8/ This case study presented the research methods well, including charts with the questions asked and analyzed findings
9/ Findings included Twitter use in the course worthwhile and an opportunity for personal and professional learning
10/ Nursing students who are guided and supported find the benefits of Twitter to exceed the potential challenges with it
11/ I recommend this article doi: 10.1111/jan.12935 to my own #NURS840 and #NURS761 learners to compare to their own experiences
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My new Article Review: Introducing Twitter as an assessed component of the undergraduate nursing curriculum https://t.co/z46IUU1iGv #5Papers
@IaninSheffield I just uploaded my brief article summary; thanks for pointing me to the study! https://t.co/z46IUUiTy3 #5papers
RT @JeffreyKeefer: @IaninSheffield I just uploaded my brief article summary; thanks for pointing me to the study! https://t.co/z46IUUiTy3 #…