Correlation Does Not Imply Causation & ANT

If this does not support an actor-network theory approach to organizational politics (or the challenges associated with applying quantitative methods to social behaviors), then the black boxes we create to compartmentalize and explain behaviors needs a swift review!


Hot Seat #2 ~ Nets, Sets, and Groups ~ Begins Today

Today begins the second of the Hot Seat discussions in preparation for the Networked Learning 2012 Conference. This time, Terry Anderson and Jon Dron are planning to speak about Nets, Sets, and Groups — a model in one of their articles that they will build on and expand upon through a week of asynchronous discussion (after a recorded synchronous session today).

While this week’s online discussion happens the week of American Thanksgiving, it will be well-worth spending some time with. I think Terry and Jon have their hand on the pulse of how networked learning is changing and developing the approach to distributed and distance in higher education, and that is certainly something we all need to know more about.

Hope to see some of my #change11 and #phdchat colleagues there!



Networked Learning Conference – Synchronous Discussion on November 20

The Hot Seats series of online discussions preceding the 2012 Networked Learning Conference will have a synchronous discussion with Terry Anderson & Jon Dron (both at Athabasca University) on Sunday, November 20, at 1:00 MST via Blackboard Collaborate to begin their week of asynchronous discussion, “Nets, sets and groups. Different tools for different contexts.”

As some of the emphasis in the #nlc2012 overlaps that of the #change11 MOOC, I am looking forward to seeing how they complement one another and help me to move my research along. I hope to see some of my colleagues there!

Hot Seat Discussions (Oct 10) – 8th International Conference on Networked Learning

The Hot Seats, an informal and free series of online discussions by international researchers in the area of networked learning, are about to begin next Monday, October 10.

This is a lead-in to the 8th International Conference on Networked Learning, scheduled for Maastricht in April 2012. Participation in these online discussions, based around the research of a number of very interesting scholars and led by the authors themselves, is open to anybody; conference registration is not required.

Hope to see some of my colleagues discussing these topics online.

Networked Learning Conference “Hot Seats” Now Open

The Hot Seats, an informal and free series of online discussions by international researchers in the area of networked learning, are about to begin in the Hot Seats Ning page. This is a lead-in to the 8th International Conference on Networked Learning, scheduled for Maastricht in April 2012.

What is networked learning? According the call for papers (which are due in about two weeks), networked learning is:

learning and teaching carried out largely via the Internet/Web which emphasises dialogical learning, collaborative and cooperative learning, group work, interaction with on-line materials, knowledge production and design for learning

Participation in these online discussions, based around the research of a number of very interesting scholars and led by the authors themselves, is open to anybody; conference registration is not required.

While this is more focused than the #change11 MOOC that is stretching over the same period, there may be an interesting overlap between participants in both online learning events.