ECUD Progress from 9/28

So, what did I accomplish from my Email Catch-Up Day (ECUD) list yesterday?

Now, for the items that remain:

  • achieve Inbox Zero–I have only 10 emails remaining that need attention–97% complete
  • file all the papers in my desk’s “pile”–I did not begin this–0% complete
  • finish reviewing the readings and my lesson plans to finish my slides for Tuesday’s Online Course Creation class–I reviewed the readings and am about 50% finished with my slides for tomorrow. The remainder of them are floating around in my mind; just have to drop them into PowerPoint–70% complete
  • upload the lingering photos to Flickr from ASTD and Central Park that are sitting on my desktop –I did not begin this–0% complete
  • read (or mark as read) all RSS feeds–I am about 75% complete with this

Pretty good progress, I think. Let’s see what I can complete tonight after work (and after 2 teleconferences when I get home). I think that making public % of completions may help . . .

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Email Catch-Up Day (ECUD)

430332251_b009f725c4_mI have been feeling a little behind in things recently. Email, filing, reviewing articles, ironing–you name it. What to do about all this? Have an Email Catch-Up Day (ECUD)!

I am not just behind in replying to and filing emails, but they are a symbol of communication (and even contemporary life as well) itself, and thus I am calling today Email catch-up and not just Life catch-up. My recent work history and style reflects that if I am able to get my email addressed, and in the process achieve Inbox Zero, then most other personal organizational challenges somehow seem to be resolved.

What do I want to get addressed today?

  • achieve Inbox Zero
  • complete the conference reviews I owe
  • catch-up on ironing
  • file all the papers in my desk’s “pile”
  • finish reviewing the readings and my lesson plans to finish my slides for Tuesday’s Online Course Creation class
  • reply to all class Forum posts and adjustments in course dates
  • upload the lingering photos to Flickr from ASTD and Central Park that are sitting on my desktop
  • review Tweets
  • read (or mark as read) all RSS feeds
  • post a few open items to the new Reflective Practice Community that we are developing
  • update the list of A Very New York Christmas book and ornament signings Michael Storrings is doing this Fall

Phewwww, gotta go!