#tdc1484 Half empty or half full?
Perhaps that is not the right question all the time, as sometimes a half is better than the whole.
Director of Training & Knowledge Management + Educational Researcher + Professor + Poet + Wikipedian = Liminality + Actor-Network Theory + Open Education
Perhaps that is not the right question all the time, as sometimes a half is better than the whole.
1/ I read Tan, Van der Molenb, & Schmidtb (2015) A measure of professional identity development for professional education http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/03075079.2015.1111322 #5Papers
2/ The work focused on Continue reading “A measure of professional identity development for professional education: An Article Summary“
Let me give you a bit of context. I plan to adapt this Continue reading “Course Extra Credit Twitter Assignment“
1/ I read Ferguson (2016) Lessons learned from using shadowing as a qualitative research technique in Education Continue reading “Lessons Learned from Using Shadowing as a Qualitative Research Technique in Education: An Article Summary“
An old Western saying tells us not to approach a bull from the front, nor a horse from the rear. It also tells us not to approach a fool from either side.
I think we should avoid bulls Continue reading “Suffer Neither Bull Nor Fools!“