I created a simple checklist I have been using to track items that need to get done in the next few days before the course begins, and thought that perhaps it may help others preparing to teach online (or others who read this may have some suggestions I missed!).
- Revise the course website (in the Epsilen platform) to make sure all items are filled out.
- Take the syllabus which is in Word format and put it in the online course format. This is not necessary, but may help us navigate through it more speedily.
- Update my bio on the website. I know this was there . . . where did it go?!?!
- Try to figure out why I can only see from the student’s view, and not the instructor’s view.
- Email the students again to welcome them. I welcomed them already, as well as sent them some Announcements. No response from them and no log ons to the new system. Will have to email our tech support again to try to learn more about what sorts of log on and navigation instructions they should get before class begins.
- Finish my PowerPoint lesson slides and discussion questions.
- Tweak the online communication / platform slide to help navigate students in the first class who get lost with the new technology. Include the help desk contact information here as well!
- Set up the online grade book.
- Review the readings for the first and second class.
- Prepare some specific slides to explain the final project.
- Post a response to the class forum “Tell us about yourself” question to model it for the students.
- Prepare to have my computer on and all materials out and accessible prior to the class on Tuesday at 6:30.
- Get additional treats for my dogs so I have something to give them if they start barking (in the background) while I am teaching.
- Practice using the online synchronous system a little more (how to share slides, use the white board, etc.). I already did this, but one last practice may help. Anybody out there in the blogosphere want to try this with me on Sunday night EST?
- Review online class recording features.
- Review setting student rights for the online classroom space for discussions, cameras, etc.
This is my list thus far. What am I missing?