Munich > Zurich > Paris

Preparing to take my first vacation in 3 years (not including conference and work travel, of course; they are work to some extent after all!), we are traveling to Munich, Zurich, and Paris. In a week. With an excursion to Rouen to see the show Une ville pour l’Impressionnisme: Monet, Pissarro et Gauguin à Rouen as part of the Normandy Impressionist Festival this is shaping up to be a wonderful trip!

Pictures from Networked Learning 2010 NLC2010

I uploaded all the pictures I took while traveling through Munich, Copenhagen, and Aalborg for the Networked Learning Conference 2010 NLC2010. Each set of pictures is in its own Flickr set, and you can see them by clicking the city names above.

Jeffrey Keefer and Etienne Wenger

The tag nlc2010 can be searched on Flickr and Twitter as well by clicking on the names.