Identity Shattering in (sorta) Six Words: A Poem

identityOK, given the recent #CLmooc meme on CLMOOC Identity Shattering in Six Words I accepted @NomadWarMachine‘s challenge to create a #clPoem for this. I hope @grammasheri finds this an interesting addition!

The parameters include:

Challenge: Consider your beliefs. Using six words, arrange them as phrases read horizontally and vertically to express an essence of your identity.

So, here goes my attempt, Continue readingIdentity Shattering in (sorta) Six Words: A Poem

Next Week’s Reading via #CLmooc’s #F5F

keep_calm_read_onSeems the #CLmooc overlords 😉 hope we end the week on an up-note, namely with a little (creative learning) game they call Find Five Fridays, #F5F. They post something for us to go find and then report out what it is. While this week’s invitation is to “find five people you’ve already made a connection with in Make Cycle #1,” I thought I would do something somewhat different (why not?).

Instead, I will mention Continue readingNext Week’s Reading via #CLmooc’s #F5F

When community is not community: A #clPoem for #CLmooc

alone_cat_tracksHave you ever had the experience of trying to join a community but somehow, something or someone or some time or another  just does not allow it to work out? Some experiences this past week inspired me to this poem, again in the spirit of Making via Continue readingWhen community is not community: A #clPoem for #CLmooc