Rhizomatic learning in the #rhizo15 experience covered roughly Continue reading “When My Reality Is THE Reality“
Director of Training & Knowledge Management + Educational Researcher + Professor + Poet + Wikipedian = Liminality + Actor-Network Theory + Open Education
Rhizomatic learning in the #rhizo15 experience covered roughly Continue reading “When My Reality Is THE Reality“
I have been missing a lot!
In her post, I was struck Continue reading “Learning Objectives vs. Subjectives: Who Are They Really For?“
Perhaps this is because I so often avoid personal learning objectives.
I frequently retreat into researcher mode. Specifically as a qualitative researcher, where I always want to ask questions such as, “Why?, “Tell me what you mean by that?,” and “How did you…?” I often avoid making declarative comments, statements, or proclamations as, more often than not, I am wrong in some way. I hate being wrong, and find it easier to commit to the extent I can speak to, while avoiding presenting myself or my ideas narrowly that I somehow exclude other possibilities.
This all begs the question, what are my learning subjectives for #rhizo15?
Wow, I really do not know.
It is easy to say, “To build my network,” but that somehow seems to be a bit selfish, as if Continue reading “What is my #rhizo15 Learning Subjective?“
So, in the spirit of @DaveCormier, our fearless facilitator in this networked and connected learning experience, I wanted to contribute at least one blog post as a flag in the sand, so to speak, that I am following along.
OK, enough following.
I have been wanting to make a comment all day on Dave’s opening video (odd, I don’t think I have ever heard Dave actually speak before), one that I thought was Continue reading “Drawn into #Rhizo15“