Twitter Thoughts from BarCampNYC3

twitter2 I started using Twitter a little over a year ago, when I first encountered it while at Northern Voice 2007, and am still active there at Since then, it has become more popular in the last year. I am still surprised with how many people use it for such a variety of purposes, yet there are no usage costs or advertisements on it or otherwise anything that seems questionable.

One of the BarCampNYC3 sessions yesterday speculated about several future revenue models that may or may not be in their business plan. What struck me is that Twitter allows, and even encourages, developers to use the Twitter data in other applications, which is interesting since all of the Twitter data and posts have been available and indexed on Google for some time. If it goes on Twitter, count on it being part of the public Web.

While I do not know Twitter’s business model and am not an investor in their technology, as a user I find their product the pinnacle of clarity and openness. Let’s hope as the technology begins to go mainstream, that they do not turn on their customers.

Come to think of it, does Twitter even have customers?

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Identity and the Future of Social Networking

What is wrong with social networks? There is a problem about having to move back and forth with identities and social networking.

The room is full, with people sitting on the floor. Glad I got a seat and an outlet at the beginning of the session. Do we need a protocol to fix all the variety of networks? He then asked 3 questions:

Have you heard of OpenID?

Have you heard of CardSpace?

Have you heard of Data

Many of the larger companies are going to begin providing OpenID’s. However, most of the companies are not accepting OpenIDs, thought that is starting to change.

How can I move my social networking information back and forth with me? This reminds me of the Robert Scoble issue when he was booted off of Facebook.

Thus, what can we do to fix this?

Is this really a problem to fix? Do people really care about moving around information vs. just starting anew?

Perhaps only simple solutions should be focused upon, such as changing the avatar and propagation of this.

Does this relate to data accessibility? Blinked Data is an example.

How can these things be linked together, especially with permissioning of information based on roles and multiple personas. OpenID is really about extracting identification and authentication.

Lots of issues about how these different systems are problematic, but solutions seem to be in short supply. There are some ideas here and there about possible ways to address these problems, though I have never heard of any of the sites or organizations that are being mentioned.

Looking around the room, I see 13 laptops in the room. A number of those are not open, though  a few are on and around Facebook. Interesting, I do not see many people liveblogging the session. I wonder why that is the case? Perhaps people would rather interact and speak and discuss rather than process and record? I wonder that a number of people do not even seem to have laptops with them, which is not something I would have expected when I came.

Passport is the authentication system for all the Microsoft systems and applications. 

The idea of variety of OpenID providers is good, but who will authenticate who these people are and why we should trust them.

Hurray – lunch break until 3:00! Hurray, as I did not realize how hungry I am.

Good discussion, but I do not have any solutions to any of these problems. More interest in them, and perhaps that is where the value is . . .

Does Liveblogging Add Value?

I decided to offer to lead a session. I do not have a presentation to give, as I do not want to use the one Robin and I presented at Northern Voice. I am much more interested in discussing this with other people. My session is scheduled to begin in about five minutes, and nobody is here yet.

Perhaps liveblogging does not add value?

For the life of me, I cannot get the projector to work in presentation mode. I had the same problem at Northern Voice, and am starting to wonder if something happened to my plug. Mental note to self–call Lenovo tech support.

Ahh, some people attended, and we proceeded to discuss liveblogging, Twitter, and the value and usage of the two.

I am convinced there is more discussion and research to do on this topic.

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BarCampNYC3 – Just Got My Ticket!

I just got a ticket for BarCampNYC3, which is scheduled to take place on March 15 & 16 at Polytechnic University, in Brooklyn.


I have never been to a barcamp, so do not know exactly what to expect. As I understand it is an unconference and do not know many of the attendees, I am looking forward to a really interesting time.

Let’s see, I need to suggest a session or topic I could facilitate. Perhaps something on liveblogging or autoethnographic blogging research?

I understand there may be a few tickets remaining . . .

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