WordPress Posting Test from My BlackBerry

I have finally configured my blog so I can post to it via email. As proof of this, I am sending this from my BlackBerry.

I think this may open up a lot of new possibilities, namely a middle space between Twitter (as my blog posts new blog posts to Twitter) and longer reflection.
Jeffrey Keefer
Website: www.jeffreykeefer.com
Blog: www.silenceandvoice.com

Jeffrey’s Twitter Updates for 2008-06-03

  • Did I just see the news flash via the AP that Clinton will concede? #
  • So, Clinton now denies she will concede tonight. Wow, the Democrats really are tearing each other apart. #
  • @abalone So sweet, Lynn. Now the pressure is on, since I usually do not write for an audience. #
  • @suewolff Sue, I am on the lookout for these. Interestingly, from what I can determine, many at #astd2008 think tech ends at eLearning. #
  • There was a good Web 2.0 session at #astd2008 by @tonykarrer. Surprised by the limited tech understanding of many in the audience. #
  • @smithjd Trying to do so! I may propose a session on Web 2.0 for communities of practice to support org learning. Wonder about a co-author? #
  • @BuckeyeBeth Sorry I missed you. Tony mentioned you, but you were gone when I spoke to him and you already left. Seaworld tonight? #
  • The AP just reported Obama has enough delegates for the nomination http://tinyurl.com/45js39 #
  • Finally getting over to the convention space. Caught up on a lot of e-work this morning with some still left for later. #
  • @kanter As always, you convinced me to join it, Beth. Perhaps I will even learn more about FriendFeed, as it seems like a big time waster. #
  • @kanter Of course, that is what I thought about Twitter a year and a half ago! #
  • I am distracted while liveblogging Michael Allen’s presentation at #astd2008. He speaks very slowly. Somewhat Sage-or-Santa-like. #
  • @leelefever I have a first generation Nano. Perhaps it would skip on the water better than it delivered music?! #
  • @cogdog Yet more support for the maxim “Don’t get sick.” #
  • @shirleyearley Good luck! #
  • @jazzychad At least the whale is cuter than their old “not working” icon. #
  • @pinoyboy I hope you are not going to quit your job and just stand there! #

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Jeffrey’s Twitter Updates for 2008-06-02

  • @betsyweber How about getting beyond the afro? #
  • I think the train going by the hotel through the middle of San Diego is so cool! #
  • Getting a latte and then to hear Malcolm Gladwell at #astd2008. #
  • Waiting for the #astd2008 keynote to begin. #
  • Malcolm Gladwell is all over the place at #astd2008. Would work better on paper. #
  • Bo Diddley just died. RIP. #
  • The Expo at #astd2008 just opened. The lines were very long and we had to wait another 15 minutes in this mass of people. #
  • Instead, to avoid the massive crowd, I went upstairs to find some wireless by an outlet to recharge. Outlets are in short supply. #
  • To avoid the massive crowd, I went upstairs to find some wireless by an outlet to recharge. Outlets are in short supply at #ASTD2008. #
  • Feels good to liveblog again so much at #astd2008. Nice to write in the space I need, rather than 140 characters. #

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Jeffrey’s Twitter Updates for 2008-06-01

  • Just checked in at the Manchester Grand Hyatt for #astd2008. #
  • Have to pay for Internet access after food. Starving! #
  • About to iron and then head over to #astd2008. Plane got in too late to get there yesterday. #
  • Wow, the Manchester Grand Hyatt makes great coffee #astd2008 #
  • Forgot how much I like the San Diego Convention Center #astd2008. #
  • I just put up my poster session on using screen capture technologies at #astd2008. First poster up! #
  • Not sure if there is wireless at the convention center for #astd2008. Will check at the Sails Pavilion now. #
  • Finally have some Internet access. There is limited access at the San Diego convention center for #astd2008. Will use it often. #
  • @nattynato Thank you. The flight to San Diego from Newark was 6 hours (they flew over Buffalo and Milwaukee) due to bad East Coast weather. #
  • @tonykarrer Thus far, have only found 3 other Tweeters for #astd2008. Will definately have to meet up. #
  • @coyenator Which project? I have been Tweeting about a bunch of them! #
  • Off to my first session of the day. So nice to finally have Web access again. I have SO much email to reply to. #
  • Too bad the presenters from the last session at #astd2008 never showed up. I was looking forward to seeing, Maude, who I studied with. #
  • @coyenator Sure; wish you were here and I can show you! I used 3 products by TechSmith–SnagIt, Camtasia, and Jing. #
  • @coyenator I will probably discuss it more here and on my blog as I get closer to my sessions Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. #
  • @BuckeyeBeth So, when shall we plan the meetup at #astd2008? Planning to attend the Welcome Reception? #
  • Just saw Yves Saint Laurent died. RIP. #

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