Jeffrey’s Twitter Updates for 2008-05-01

  • Preparing a sample lesson I have to demo tomorrow for a possible new class. #
  • @eich0041 Glad to help. Perhaps you can build upon it and share it back with the larger community in turn. #
  • Have a day filled with meetings ahead. Good things I am prepared for them. Now, if only I can catch up with everything else . . . #
  • @eich0041 Go, Matt! #
  • Here goes new workgroup meeting number one for today. #
  • @macboyx What are you teaching today? #
  • @Azania Just added you to my Twitter. Where is your avatar / screen image? #
  • A colleague just sent a Twitter invite to a discussion group list. I have not seen this before. #
  • I am wondering about new possibilities for increasing and encouraging community and communication in this way. #
  • How does this serve to bring similar people together? #
  • @cindybrock Is this a position of responsibility where management and creative thinking will be needed? #
  • @eich0041 Here’s looking at you, kid. #
  • @Currie Grey? Your picture there and here keeps you at a steady mid-twenty-something. #
  • @cindybrock Ask questions about multitasking, prioritizing with no staff nor budget, setting goals for the future, and how he stays current. #
  • Was asked to write a vision, objectives, and deliverables. Do I smell a new project in formation? #
  • @ChrisRicca smells like Vista . . . #
  • @Currie That seems like an oxymoron. #
  • @skydaddy What is the National Day of Prayer? Looked on their website, but thought you may explain it better. #
  • @fncll well-put; well put. #
  • @phdaisy How do you use it to find the most value? #
  • @macboyx That sounds like fun. At least they will hear the mission and vision at least once during their employment. #
  • @phdaisy Only to a B? #
  • Taking a walk during a late lunch. Surprised by how many people are enjoying Bryant Park. #
  • Thinking about how happy I am that I do not have to wear a suit every day. #

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Jeffrey’s Twitter Updates for 2008-04-30

  • @aidanhenry Mahalo. I have not heard anybody mention that in some time now. #
  • @eich0041 Which part? #
  • @maniactive How so? #
  • @RobinYap Of course he is doing it for you. You paid him. Ask him what you will get from the extension (and a completed constract is not it) #
  • @kanter Looking forward to hearing your insights and experiences. Till now, have only "read" you! #
  • @fncll I will, I will. With the CP2tech workshop, we are going to have a blog to use for reflection. I will do mine publicly. #
  • What, noon already? #
  • @eich0041 In some of the adult ed / training classes I teach, we discuss the course objectives and how they are mine and not theirs. #
  • @eich0041 It only makes sense then that we collaboratively create the course measure / eval for their final project as well. #
  • @eich0041 We discuss the project and then discuss what they think they should be evaluated on. #
  • @eich0041 This also helps my students to focus their learning while processing their experiences. Fundamentally, it gives them voice. #
  • @scope_community What? #

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Jeffrey’s Twitter Updates for 2008-04-29

  • Beginning laundry. At least the room is empty. #
  • @RobinYap How fun. Nothing like a new place where things have not yet had time to go wrong. Of course, safer is better than sorry. #
  • I just saw the new Twittervision Local (by country) Lacks the breadth of the world, but somehow more homey. #
  • Attending a teleconference for the AHRD Scholar-Practitioner committee. #
  • meetings, meetings, meetings #
  • Leaving to go to class–Project Management for Training. #
  • In break in the middle of my class. We just discussed the Evaluation / Measure for the final project due next week. I try to be democratic. #
  • We create the measure together, that way we evaluate what the students perceive is most significant from the class. #
  • This process works well with adult students and airs out assumptions. It is a surprisingly effective strategy. #
  • @aidanhenry Did not know that was still around. #

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Jeffrey’s Twitter Updates for 2008-04-28

  • Went for a brief workout tonight. Will have to process and blog about an interesting juxtaposition while there. #
  • Just starched and pressed some shirts. Perhaps I should take in laundry on the side? Gas is going up, after all. #
  • @CP2tech01 There is nothing funny about my Tweeting about my laundry. Except, of course, that I seem to do it several times a week. Scary. #
  • @macboyx Great. Hope you are both still in it together. Non-funny April Fools (at least I hope). #
  • @dmcordell Yes, it seems I can then make some money . . . #
  • @susny Fascinating how our thinking goes. I have grown to like life narrative and biographical qualitative work. #
  • @pinoyboy Wishing you success with your malbec. #
  • @pinoyboy What uniform? #
  • @maniactive ts MInt juleps. My mint is just beginning to apppear, so hope it will be ready for the weekend. #
  • Got to work and am all wet. Good thing my LLBean shoes kept my socks dry. Pants and jackets dry while wearing them; socks, not so much. #
  • Making a link to Northern Voice but the website says Drupal Camp. WTF?? #
  • Really looking forward to today’s beginning of the Connected Futures (cp2tech01) Workshop. I just blogged about why I am attending it. #
  • Found an interesting healthcare website "Making Web Videos on a Shoestring Budget: HIN’s Four-Part Video Series" #
  • Off to a meeting. #
  • Just called the call-in number for the CP2tech01 – The Connected Futures Workshop that is starting now. #
  • Some interesting chat occurring now in the background. #
  • Was considering microblogging the session, but decided not to. #
  • Somewhat disconcerting that many people are discussing the CP2tech session via skype. Cannot get it through the firewall. #
  • That is one of the rich issues about the variety of experiences in the online world today. Good learning there, especially for community. #
  • Glad people are taking notes via skype. Is somewhat more internal than using Twitter. Ohh, the public! #
  • @Currie I am indeed. Very exciting! #
  • @maniactive Very true. Lots and lots of it! #
  • Do many of you out in the Twitterverse have access to skype through organizational firewalls? #
  • Ahh, time for the rest of us. #
  • There, said my piece. Glad it is being recorded as well as scribed via skype. #
  • @Currie You are going to join us? #
  • @Currie Who isn’t busy?! #
  • @coyenator Good question . . . I think I heard that one before . . . #
  • @smithjd Time check — are we planning to end in 5 minuites? We got a start time, but not an ending time. #
  • @kanter Show off! #
  • @coyenator You are quiet . . . #
  • @CP2tech01 Cute. We need an avatar or icon for Twitter. Perhaps even the name #CP2tech01 in a box? #

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Jeffrey’s Twitter Updates for 2008-04-27

  • Having coffee and sitting with the dogs. Enjoy the quiet Sunday morning ritual. #
  • The washer and dryer could not be hooked up this weekend since the platform for them has to be rebuilt. #
  • I did get the table and chairs and grill out of storage for the winter. #
  • Cleaned the house. Put evrything away. Straightened closets. Adjusted bookshelves. Washed the sink. Getting ready for Kentucky Derby Party! #
  • The city installed numerous traffic lights on Washington Street. Great idea. Much safer and faster now since no stop signs. #

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