Jeffrey’s Twitter Updates for 2008-05-21

  • About to present an update in our quarterly status meeting. #
  • Attending an online seminar “ONLINE COLLABORATIVE INTEGRATION: WORKING ACROSS DISCIPLINES” by Janet Salmons and Lynn Wilson via Elluminate. #
  • Have Internet access and finished the large meetings of the day. #
  • Feel somewhat behind on Twitter. RSS. #CP2tech01 workshop readings and comments. #AHRD work. Preparation for #ASTD. and even more. #
  • @nattynato Small world, isn’t it? #
  • @tonykarrer I am attending the #ASTD conference in San Diego, too. #
  • @maniactive My hair or me?! #
  • @suewolff Talk about making an effort to let my hair down, Sue. #
  • @injenuity A moustache like Einstein or Dali or John Waters or as in #
  • @suewolff We had some sort of a system issue yesterday. No idea why or what. #
  • @maniactive This is the longest my hair has been since I was 22! #
  • @coyenator The session on Monday? #
  • Has anybody seen the 6th Annual Qualitative Research Summer Intensive ? #
  • Off to get some pants at J. Crew. #

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Jeffrey’s Twitter Updates for 2008-05-20

  • @MBisanz An interesting explanation for the Microsoft / Yahoo idea at #
  • @abalone Ahh, once again, growing pains. #
  • @shirleyearley Still reviewing them. Any suggestions? #
  • @coyenator I suppose it is good we have more to read than time in which to read them? #
  • @betsyweber I am not sure. Have not heard any replies about it, so just set up a Tweetscan #
  • @nattynato Just a bit much for the catch up. Hope it went smoothly. #
  • @coyenator The #cp2tech01 session today was excellent! #
  • Preparing a slide with results from last week’s Leadership class Critical Incident Questionnaire (CIQ). #
  • @rlk300 Hope the memories of the vacation last far into the future. #
  • Looking forward to my students’ Leadership presentations tomorrow. Interestingly, none have asked how it will be evaluated. #
  • @smithjd Interesting. Silence used to just mean silence. Wonder what that says (if anything) about out use of technology? #
  • @brlamb A drink still awaits you here in the Center of Civilization As We Know It! #
  • @rlk300 It was enough for some people I suppose, but some form of a rubric with points and such. #
  • @jfeo Practice, practice, practice. Helps get the content down so you can then be comfortable and work on the delivery. #
  • @jfeo What is the story of your avatar? #
  • No Internet access in our building. #
  • Absolutely crazy morning. Network issues. No projector. No copies. #
  • Glad TwitterBerry is working. #
  • Still no Internet access at work. #
  • Raining. Going to Subway for a healthy sandwich. #
  • The NYTimes reports Senator Kennedy has a malignant brain tumor. #
  • I uploaded a current picture of me holding a SnagIt sign. Do you like my new hair style? #
  • @tonykarrer Which conference? #

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Jeffrey’s Twitter Updates for 2008-05-19

  • Don’t know where the day went. Worked out, caught up on some email, upgraded WordPress, read for #cp2tech01, and pressed / ironed. #
  • Finally cleaned through this weekend’s email and Monday morning issues that seem to magically arise. On to the day’s planned tasks. #
  • Finally getting out for lunch. #
  • Cold, windy, and rainy. I am no scientist, but there is something screwy with our weather. #
  • and NYC seems to have more temperate weather on average than much of the world. #
  • I love SnagIt My picture is coming tonight! #
  • Getting a triple grande skim latte before 4:00 conference call with #cp2tech01. #
  • Looking for an instructional design model that clearly shows the evaluation being created after the objectives and before the content. #
  • Will have to visualize it myself otherwise. #
  • Will have to visualize it myself otherwise. #
  • Plumbers are working at the espresso bar while the barrista is trying to make drinks. Sanitary or up to Starbucks standards? #
  • No wonder she is backed up with ten orders. #
  • Great discussion right now in the Connected Futures #cp2tech01 workshop. #
  • @abalone Wouldn’t that be nice? To much diversity for everybody to use things like I do (and too dull, as well!). #
  • I think Twitter froze and I lost some posts. #
  • Had to leave the #cp2tech01 call before it ended; tight schedule. #

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Jeffrey’s Twitter Updates for 2008-05-17

  • Just read that Robert Mondavi passed away RIP. #
  • Wondering where the day went. #
  • @MBisanz Good idea. Took some Advil Cold and Sinus for a cold I am fighting, and that seems to have helped. Will try the heat this morning. #
  • @rlk300 Try it for research purposes, but be careful with what you find–you may not like the Monday morning results. #
  • @ChrisRicca Not pleasant, regardless of the methods. #
  • @MBisanz Good sign; will certainly make it easier. Hope the finals went well. The best for the move. #
  • @rlk300 That seems to be the case, at least from the media. The last few ties I was in SF, I did not have the sense of the CA in the movies. #
  • @betsyweber How is she doing? #
  • @betsyweber I wonder how many others here on Twitter are going to #ASTD in San Diego? #
  • @nattynato Always a good approach to learning. Of course, that is the business of learning, though we do not know the result ahead of time. #
  • Getting the car serviced. #
  • Car done. Off to assess if the lawn can be mowed or not. Very wet from yesterday. #
  • Was able to mow part of the lawn and put some mulch around a few struggling trees. #
  • Was able to mow part of the lawn and put some mulch around a few struggling trees. #
  • Beat the rain back to the city. #
  • Walking along the Hudson in the park. Water is choppy. Feels like a storm coming. #
  • Just bought French bread for fresh fondue tonight. Which wine to open? #
  • @nattynato Was raining in Rockland and Westchester this afternoon, and drizzling lightly now in Manhattan. Chances of showers this evening. #
  • @nattynato What are you reading? How is the nephew sitting? #
  • @Currie I know what you mean about the #cp2tech01 reading. I was slammed at work Thursday and Friday, and tomorrow is catch-up. #
  • @coyenator Once again, the machine on the right is uniting and the left is again floundering. Somehow they never learn. #
  • @coyenator I need to catch up on my reading of posts for #cp2tech01, too. #
  • @MBisanz Thanks again for the suggestion. Used a seat heater, and it seemed to help. Great idea. #
  • Off to dinner. The city is very busy this evening. #

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