While I had mixed results with my 2014 Goals and Intentions, I want to focus on moving forward rather than looking back. After all, measuring my previous personal success won’t get me very far now that we are into the new year. Onward and upward!
Having thought about these for some time now, these are my Personal 2015 Goals:
1. Engage in Timely Communication
I want to maintain Inbox ZERO (delete, delegate, respond, defer, or do) for Email and Social Media (Twitter replies, Facebook replies, etc.). Remaining current enables a discipline that I have long struggled to maintain, with the side effect of more strongly connecting me with my networks.
2. Communicate the Connections between my Learning and Teaching
I am always learning something or another, yet I do not always share this with my networks at the time. I want to more intentionally do this through social media, my blog, and other channels.
3. Attain Financial Balance
Sleeping Ambien No Prescription causes physical dependence and is very dangerous if it is not taken by instructions.
A fool and his (her) money is soon parted, and I am tired of playing the fool.
Some progress is better than none at all!