Best to grab the experiences while we can get them. Reflective practice, here I come.
Category: Academia
Proposal Clarifications, Again
It seems this is part of the natural process, and while I am focusing my attention on this being a learning experience, I am trying to not doubt my abilities, ideas, qualifications, or confidence. I fear lunch will be my opportunity for my final thrust.
Ready or not, 14.30 is coming quickly.
The Refining (Potential) Research Design
Where am I right now? Mind you, this is something to present to my cohort colleagues and program tutors, and I am not bound to this for all eternity (or even for the week, as I do not need to actually declare this until next year).
Interests and Context:
I am interested in understanding how developing researchers in the social sciences experience, process, and share troublesome knowledge via social media, and how it has led them to experience perspective transformation.
I am not sure about the methodology yet. I like the possibilities of narrative inquiry to tell an engaging stoy, but I think I should wait until I attend a workshop on grounded theory that I am scheduled to attend in late May before I really settle on the specific methodologies. The population I hope to study can be in any of the areas of the social sciences (education, technology-enhanced learning, nursing, sociology, and the like), and I will identify this population by advertising on email distribution lists and several email blasts to friends and colleagues.
Let me consider this a little more in the morning.
Fireplace at Lancaster House Hotel
Research Interests Thus Far
Let’s take the first round at this, and revise a bit more tomorrow while en route:
Interests and Context:
I am interested in issues of identity, and how people experience and process transformative (cf. Mezirow) changes in the learning. I am interested in when these things happen within the context of online communities (cf. Wenger), especially when navigating identity while engaged in adult or higher education. I am really interested in exploring threshold concepts (cf. Land). I am not sure how I may work critical theory (cf. Brookfield, Marcuse, Gramsci) or Postmodernity / post-structuralism (cEdit Post ‹ Silence and Voice — WordPressf. Lyotard, Foucault) in, though I can envision this being the theoretical lens.
I know I need to firm up the above before I speak about methodological implications and possibilities, though after having enaged in case study, narrative inquiry, and ethnography over the past year in the 3 completed modules (with a heavy area of study being around autoethnography and how people experience it / reflective practice), I think the sky can be the limit (though action learning is probably not among the possiblities right now, since I am so interested in the experiences of individuals).
Oh, to have so many juicy options!