With many of these things floating around, the question of “Who are you?” or better yet, “Who am I?” has always been a struggle. What do I tell people — What I think they want to hear? What I think may be interesting? What I am thinking about right now? How my passions are leading me forward, though in many different directions all at once? All or more of them? I would not be thinking about this at all unless the fine folks behind Digital Writing Month #DigiWriMo not suggested it.
Why I do not really see a need to be any more creative in this than (if?) I am elsewhere, I started with my Twitter profile and thought and thought and thought some more, and realized I really think that does say me.
Educational Researcher | Connected Learner | Actor-Network Theorist | Project Manager | Professor | Exploring assumptions along the learning journey…
Like Janus, the Roman god of beginnings and endings and transitions (what is most attractive for me), I find myself always looking around and feeling I am somehow in transition, and in a related way like to attend to others who experience this as well. This may be why I study liminality and how people make meaning in difficult situations. Even my hobbies and interests somehow fit into this statement.
As to my Twitter, and now my #DigiWriMo bio? Let me restate it in a spirit of creative writing:
I teach, manage, and explore how people learn and make meaning together about topics they are passionate about.
Hmm, those sneaky #DigiWriMo folks got me to tell my story in a somewhat unconventional way after all. Now, to find this ongoing time to write more during November! Perhaps I can rephrase this as something to connect with others about while I try to write that article I have long been putting off due to time and a need to maintain inspiration? Who knows, I may even learn a few things about myself and others in the process? Have to remind myself it is ok to do this without comparing my successes or struggles with others; my journey = my terms!
An Unofficial CV, at Least for #DigiWriMo #AltCV https://t.co/8v163EEeEh https://t.co/iau1s8JcQe
That article sounds like a good project for #DigiWriMo 🙂
Telling stories … that is what transcends the technology …
RT @JeffreyKeefer: An Unofficial CV, at Least for #DigiWriMo #AltCV https://t.co/8v163EEeEh https://t.co/iau1s8JcQe
Hi Jeffrey, nice to meet you on here. I pretty much can relate to some of what you do most especially in the teaching and learning and busy part.
Looking forward to your future writings in DIGIWRIMO!
Many thanks, @moocresearch. Glad to know I am not alone in not readily being able to separate teaching and learning and life!
Yes! Your journey, your terms! We cheer!
Always appreciated, @maha!