- Shopping in the East Village looking for something to wear to our holiday party. Think I may have found something. #
- @lizith @sarahthesheepu Excellent approach. Make your argument and then try to listen to alternate assumptions about it. in reply to lizith #
- @sarahthesheepu @lizith So be it for a community of learners. in reply to sarahthesheepu #
- @sarahthesheepu @lizith Yes, that may be the case. After all, it is tough to let go of your own ideas, especially to a student! in reply to sarahthesheepu #
- @nancyrubin Great. How do you like it so far (both Long Island and the new job)? in reply to nancyrubin #
- @francesbell @tryberg Well, I think it is a great example of bridging the theory-practice gap! in reply to francesbell #
- @tryberg Love how you see this in theoretical terms; entire new area for networked research. in reply to tryberg #
- @sarahthesheepu @lizith @andycoverdale These things are tough as everybody's name will be there. BUT, it is Liz's (for good or not) #phdchat in reply to sarahthesheepu #
- @gconole Lucky you to see that! #fb in reply to gconole #
- @lizith @sarahthesheepu These things are tough; is it a new (and thus green) supervisor? #phdchat in reply to lizith #
- @klbz We all need to hear that from time to time! #phdchat in reply to klbz #
- @lizith Phew! I need to now transition that to my thesis page. Thanks for the feedback. in reply to lizith #
- @nancyrubin Excellent. That is somewhat recent, yes? in reply to nancyrubin #
- @lizith Ouch; do you think the supervisor gets what you want to do, or is trying to push you in a direction you don't want to go? #phdchat in reply to lizith #
- @klbz Clear your mind; there will always be more ideas or literature or thoughts, but we need to draw the line in the sand for now #phdchat in reply to klbz #
- I have 4 loads of laundry in the dryers now; they were especially clean looking when I took them out of the wash. #
- @lynntrinko I shall keep that in mind!! in reply to lynntrinko #
- @lynntrinko Yes, examples of the author's increasing skill. in reply to lynntrinko #
- @nancyrubin You are now in NYC? in reply to nancyrubin #
- @nancyrubin 🙂 in reply to nancyrubin #
- @lynntrinko We bought the 8-disc set, and are planning to watch all of them one cold wintry weekend in January or February. in reply to lynntrinko #
- @lynntrinko Yes, I forgot how sad that one is at the end. in reply to lynntrinko #
- @lindathestar Glad it may be of use. It would be a missed opportunity for all that work to not help anybody else also struggling. #phdchat in reply to lindathestar #
- @lindathestar I really appreciate your taking a look and letting me know it is clear. Never dreamed how challenging that could be #phdchat in reply to lindathestar #
- @lindathestar Thanks for the kind feedback. #phdchat in reply to lindathestar #
- Need a break from this week, so just put Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Pt. 1 in. #
- @lukemperez Excellent!! #phdchat in reply to lukemperez #
- @ai1sa Excellent! Glad you found it useful. Did it help your writing progress with that little project you have been working on? 😉 in reply to ai1sa #
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