- @trentmkays I recall having mixed feelings about that years ago when I read it, but it had a lasting effect (though not a clear one) on me. in reply to trentmkays #
- @trentmkays Did you ever read that book that SIgnorile wrote years ago (perhaps in an angrier period)? in reply to trentmkays #
- @ShropshirePagan Pics? #dantesinferno in reply to ShropshirePagan #
- @DA_Banks Waiting with bated breath . . . #cyborgology in reply to DA_Banks #
- @zephoria Tenure, I suppose . . . in reply to zephoria #
- @trentmkays Why not? #lgbt #wrong in reply to trentmkays #
- @savasavasava Take it while you can . . . in reply to savasavasava #
- @betsyweber Goodness, why are you still living there again?! in reply to betsyweber #
- @dani_phd Why not? Tempted to run in the forest?! in reply to dani_phd #
- @macboyx Phew! #fb in reply to macboyx #
- @lukemperez How was it? Main take-away? #phdchat in reply to lukemperez #
- @salma_patel DOesn't it depend on the field or area? #phdchat #HElivechat #loveHE #highered in reply to salma_patel #
- @suifaijohnmak Thsnks also for the RT! #phdchat in reply to suifaijohnmak #
- @tonnet Thanks for the RT! in reply to tonnet #
- @ai1sa Was this a directed writing retreat? #phdchat in reply to ai1sa #
- @davecormier @bonstewart Beautiful; congrats!! in reply to davecormier #
- @lynntrinko Thanks; be gentle! Doctoral Research in 100 Words bit.ly/rF1avl #phdchat in reply to lynntrinko #
- @lizith @suifaijohnmak Just shared it, please be gentle! Doctoral Research in 100 Words bit.ly/rF1avl #phdchat in reply to lizith #
- @suifaijohnmak Good point. Here it comes! #phdchat in reply to suifaijohnmak #
- @lizith Did not think about that, but good idea. Let me post it to my blog and send a link here. Thanks for the suggestion #phdchat in reply to lizith #
- I have been working on a 100 word abstract of my doctoral research for 3 hours now, and think I finally have it clear and concise #phdchat #
- @klang67 and in that order, too. in reply to klang67 #
- Heard the Networked Learning Conference acceptances are going out #nlc2012 #phdchat #change11 #
- I certainly messed up on their names – they are Heat Miser and Snow Miser http://t.co/IaqzFF1N #
- Heat and Snow Mizers just sang. #
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