- I also ordered I 'Acting in an Uncertain World' by Michel Callon http://amzn.to/fV78RD . Also uses actor-network theory #phdchat #
- I just ordered 'The Body Multiple: Ontology in Medical Practice' by Annemarie Mol http://amzn.to/g6fzHO. Uses actor-network theory #phdchat #
- I just ordered some of the many books recently recommended by people in and around #phdchat #
- I just suggested a name for @TheBronxZoo cobra. The hunt for the perfect name is on; submit your ideas by Sunday! http://t.co/mTVFAyC #
- Wonderful news, since the dealer ordered the part 2 weeks ago, Chrysler just covered the part under extended warranty. Sweet! #
- Hurray, the Jeep's window is done. I shudder with what they will charge. #
- Hmm, Twitter and email and such have me actively engaged, unlike the tv here that lulls me into a passive receptacle of corporate indulgence #
- Listening to Adam Lambert while working on my iP#d at the dealer while my window is being fixed. Can't bear to watch the mindless tv here. #
- Getting the car window fixed yet again. Hope this is the final part that is needed. #
- If I cannot find a summer course or institute or the like, will take a few days off and build one myself here in #NYC #phdchat #
- Hope to work on my thesis all summer, but I also thinking about taking in a week or two summer institute or another. #phdchat #
- So, American Apparel is a financial mess? http://bbc.in/hoCX3R Well, how many bright t-shirts can one store really sell? #
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