Interviews Scheduled!

I am quite happy that I have confirmed and scheduled interviews with at least two participants concerning my Autoethnographer Communities of Practice research project. There are 3 other people I am still working with for this research, and I am thrilled with the offers to assist with this project. Nice to know I am not the only person in some way related to academic work who is available in August!

I am planning to conduct the interviews later this week, and will also discuss the hardware I purchased to record the interview calls so I can transcribe them later. With all the testing and use I have done with this over the past week, I am very hopeful.

Jeffrey’s Twitter Updates for 2009-08-02

  • Oops, incorrect url. Here the correct one is #
  • Potential Participants and Informed Consent #
  • The NOAA weather radio is warning of severe storms and flooding. Again. #
  • Raining in the Catskills, as well as everywhere else, in the Northeast. #
  • 2 new comments on “Silence and Voice” and more #
  • Time to mow the lawn. Been working on my school work all afternoon and lost track of the time. #
  • Beautiful outside today. Once the lawn dries, I go to action on it. #
  • Just learned that there was a flood earlier this week in my town upstate. #

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Potential Participants and Informed Consent

I am speaking with 5 potential participants for my research project right now, navigating the process of scheduling days and times. This should not be such a big issue, but I have 5 weeks to complete and submit this research. Thus, interviews need to occur this week since I need time to transcribe and analyze my data (not to mention analyze the written accounts as well, as I am engaging in narrative inquiry).

I have my informed consent form, though am tweaking it to include the questions I will ask. I have a few back-up and unrelated questions already, though will use them only if there is time and the other process is faster than expected (they may serve as feelers for possible future research). Hoped to have the consent sent by yesterday, though too many errands around the house (since it rained this week and is pouring out now, with yesterday being the ready-or-not day for outdoor work).

Surprised how much I am enjoying doing this research.