Online Course Creation–Issues Debrief

My Online Course Design class met for the first time last night, and I think it went somewhat well (though it would probably be best to ask my students their thoughts about this!). I used (and am continuing to experiement with) an online adapted version of Stephen Brookfield’s Critical Incident Questionnaire, so will code the results for next week and try to understand more about their perceptions. More about this additional project later.

Overall, I was happy with how the technology (and my teaching, of course!) worked. While the NYU online course system is brand new (the Epsilen Environment), there are a few items that arose that I need to address to try to understand them a little better. I already emailed our technical people about them, and hopefully they will be able to help me determine how to use them better or otherwise open them as help desk tickets or enhancement requests:

  1. Attendance. I took attendance on paper and could not figure out how to enter this into the system afterward. I wonder if this had to be done in real time?
  2. File / Application Sharing. I was able to upload my PowerPoint slides, though when I shared a Word file (and in fact the entire Word application, I believe) I could not tell I was being shared nor could I determine if my students were still able to hear me. I am not sure if I missed the indicators that these were still happening, but I had to go back to the online course screen several times (3, to be precise) to ask my students if they could still see and hear. On top of all this, it seems this did not get recorded in the course archive, so I do not have any direct way of knowing what the experience was like.
  3. Webcam. I tried to use my webcam, though it cast a greenish / yellowing / ghoulish complexion. True, I do try to stay out of the sun, but I do not look like that! Disatisfied with how my laptop’s webcam looks and how crisp and clear everybody else was, I just ordered a new one (Logitech QuickCam Orbit AF) this morning and will receive it on Friday. As one of my students commented about how a webcam helps to maintain attention during a class, I think I need to pay more attention to having a good one that works well.
  4. Share a Web Link. I had trouble sharing a web link. I believe it opened in another window, though as it did not pop-up and come to the front (such as happens with WebEx), I could not be certain that it happened.
  5. Student Names. Probably one of the strangest open issues (that has already been reported to the vendor) involves seeing the student names in the class. They are not visible as names–only as usernames! Correct–I cannot determine who is present by seeing their names, so have to see the usernames and then look at my printed paper to link them up with their real names. I see this as being a strangely anachronistic issue, one that is problematic for me as class facilitator and problematic for the students as we are now part of a class learning community.

As blogging (either private or public) is a course requirement, I am trying to model something about what I am hoping for my students to do. We will eventually have a discussion about ethics, privacy, public persona, Googleability, etc., though I generally do my best to share my thoughts and experiences via my blog without being overly critical or personally confrontational. Hopefully this will maintain (or even increase!) my credibility as a teaching and learning professional.

Jeffrey’s Twitter Updates for 2008-09-23

  • @SarahStewart Computer? You mean one of those IBM desktops?! #
  • @gminks Sweeeeeet #
  • @gminks Will you (can you?) share it? #
  • @PaulPam2 Which book? #
  • What is going on with Suresh? He seems out of character. #
  • Did Maya on #Heroes lose her SPanish accent? #
  • WTF with Suresh?!?!?! #
  • I wonder if they are moving an entire season of #Heroes into the first 2 episodes? #
  • @gminks Did Suresh on #Heroes do nothing but work out in the last few months? Seems a bit too sure of himself now. Loss of charm. #
  • @gminks Yeah, until he starts to fall apart. Literally! #
  • @zerhynn Yes, they almost seemed to go overboard. #
  • @RobinYap Perhaps. In the process, she lost her charm, too. #
  • At this point in #Heroes, there are fewer and fewer characters I like. What is this, everybody has more power than the next? #
  • This is the first time I ever watched #Heroes on tv. All the other ones were on DVD. I like being able to pause . . . #
  • @gminks So, what do you think about the first 2 #Heroes? #
  • I like the action/intensity/intrigued in #Heores, never knowing what will come next. But the story seems too broad. Perhaps like real life? #
  • @zerhynn Feels like a soap opera . . . #
  • @zerhynn Perhaps. I Tweeted earlier today about the interesting review of the new #Heroes season in the NYTimes. Interesting Gen Y thoughts. #
  • @gminks Very thoughtful. A regular upright citizen. Of course, even after watching for 2 hours I still do not understand anything . . . #
  • @SarahStewart Wow, sounds like you are in the States now . . . #
  • @nnoakes The best for your preparation, Nick. #
  • @zerhynn Thank you for the feedback. #
  • Meetings all morning. #
  • Getting ready for my online course that starts in little while #

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Online Course Creation FA08, Here We Go!

I am getting ready for my Principles & Practices of Online Course Creation & Instructional Design (which I call the Online Course Creation course that begins this evening. I have been so focused on getting used to the new technology, that I have had little time for anything else (except watching Heroes last night, of course!).

A few additional minor items to add to my checklist:

  • Determine if and when to use a web cam
  • Have water handy by the computer (but do not spill it, of course)
  • report any bugs or non-working items to technical support (I have been making lots of suggestions and identifying some non-working items)
  • decide how (and if) to post slides–directly in the online course environment as slides, as a PDF, via SlideShare, GoogleDocs, etc.
  • determine when (and if) there will be a break
  • determine how attendance will be taken (without having a TA, that is!)
  • open the slides and other files that will be used
  • close programs (such as Outlook, an RSS reader, Skype, IM software, and anything else that constantly accesses the Internet) that are not needed; all the saved bandwidth will be needed
  • log on to the system and get things up and running before the course begins–better be early and have time to troubleshoot, rather than late and a hectic mess . . .

With that, away I go . . .

Jeffrey’s Twitter Updates for 2008-09-22

  • Worked all morning long trying to get a Word macro to make a clickable link on a protected form. No luck. #
  • Finished organic black bean soup I bought at Whole Foods. Yuck. First thing I bought there that reminded me of healthy food 15 years ago. #
  • I like the review of #Heroes in today’s NYTimes The discussion about Gen Y themes in the show was interesting. #
  • Getting excited — Heroes begins soon! #

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