A First Paper Summary: Texts and Strategic Recursiveness

dilbert_brain_golfingI am intrigued with the #SixtyBooks notion (“60 in ’16” so to speak), though I know that is well beyond me. While few who know my work and teaching would think even half that possible given my commitments, I really welcome the idea–or creative challenge–to read and write more. Better to spend my time thinking new thoughts and wanting to discuss them with others, than to only think without this engagement.

If too many books will not work, as I have thought about this all day, then how about articles!? Still learning, still reading, and still sharing what I read!

I was thinking about an article a day, Continue readingA First Paper Summary: Texts and Strategic Recursiveness

Next Week’s Reading via #CLmooc’s #F5F

keep_calm_read_onSeems the #CLmooc overlords 😉 hope we end the week on an up-note, namely with a little (creative learning) game they call Find Five Fridays, #F5F. They post something for us to go find and then report out what it is. While this week’s invitation is to “find five people you’ve already made a connection with in Make Cycle #1,” I thought I would do something somewhat different (why not?).

Instead, I will mention Continue readingNext Week’s Reading via #CLmooc’s #F5F

Let’s Make Article Summaries! Thoughts on Ragged Edges

research_biteI have been tossing around this idea in various forms for some time now, and find a number of influences–Twitter Journal Club, #CLmooc (we make learning!), Shut Up And Read!, That new habit, and even #365Papers–all of which revolve around sharing some of the really great reading we do with others, specifically the academic, research-oriented reading we (I?) frequently do in silence.

I get new articles and read some of them every day, so why not Continue readingLet’s Make Article Summaries! Thoughts on Ragged Edges