2 “So what?” Articles on Twitter in Today’s NY Times

As a user of Twitter for a few years now (I am http://twitter.com/JeffreyKeefer), I am increasingly interested in how Twitter is reported in the news. Today hit the jackpot, with the Business section in the NYTimes carrying not one, but two articles about Twitter:

If you have struggled to understand the “So what?” factor about Twitter, then these two articles are a good place to start.

E-Portfolios in iJET

ijetMy colleague Marguerite Koole just pointed out that the new issue of International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (iJET) is available, and the focus is on E-Portfolios. Will give me some more reading after class this evening.

This is a topic that seems to be all the rage now, with colleagues near and far interested in this issue.

I am wondering how many people out there use e-portfolios? I am starting to toy with the idea, but have not been able to justify the time it would take to set one up (given everything I already do), compared to the value added.


Tech Clean-Up Week, Here I Come!

Tech Clean-UpPost-Flu, I now face enough work to nearly make me unwell again! I am behind on email, blog posts, comments, responses, feedback, and rss feeds (again). So, time for another Clean-Up! This time, a bit more ambitious . . .

Here is my goal–by the end of this week (meaning by Friday at 5:00 pm!), I will achieve Inbox Zero in all my email accounts, reply to all posts, comments, and the like.

This will be a busy week, but starting with a tangible (and specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and timely) goal that will completely energize me by the end is a great way to begin a Monday.

First focus? My NYU email account.

Have to go, some responses that need my attention . . .

Facebook’s Flip-Flop / Protest

So, facebook is back to its old and safe (really??) self. The NYTimes reports today that After Protests, Facebook Withdraws Changes in Data Use.

Facebook has changed before (remember their advertising model?), and with so many people using it, they will undoubtedly change again. As I asked yesterday, is Facebook really any different from the NSA, employers, the phone companies, etc.?

Perhaps better questions (just, perhaps)  is why did Facebook so quickly change because a bunch of people complained online, though other recent protests  did not stop the war in Iraq, the issues around VP Gore’s missed election, or even the bank bailouts that only seemed to promote publicly-support massive bonuses  for the same bankers who did not show any support for struggling individuals losing their homes?

Perhaps mob protests and their effects are fickle? Perhaps online protests work? Perhaps people care more about their social networks than NIMBY social, national, and economic problems?

Perhaps, perhaps, perhaps . . .