Jeffrey’s Twitter Updates for 2008-04-06

  • Reading Dan P. McAdams’ book The Stories We Live By while drinking coffee by the fire and listening to music from the Pilgrimage to Santiago #
  • @Currie Congrats with Inbox = Zero. Hard to get to and difficult to maintain. Like losing weight. #
  • Does anybody use the new member home page? #
  • Does anybody use the new member home page? #

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Jeffrey’s Twitter Updates for 2008-04-04

  • @BronSt It was a wonderful evening! The best for your remaining time here. Let me know the next time you will be back. #
  • Half day today at work. Took the afternoon off for some culture. #
  • Half day today at work. Took the afternoon off for some culture. #
  • Just started to use SocialThing! Interesting site, though still in rugged beta. Thank you @ChrisRicca for the invite. #

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Jeffrey’s Twitter Updates for 2008-04-03

  • Just attended an NMC session on "Confessions of a Mashup Un-Artist" by @brlamb. I just did not get it. #
  • The session was meant to be artistic and boundary-pushing, but from my research-to-practice approach, I was looking for applicability. #
  • I liked the creativity, yet somehow I find a personal need to do something with it. #
  • I know, art can be for its own sake, but then I find, as an educator, that I will promote it to have an effect on students. #
  • Perhaps that is what @brlamb was trying to do, engage in conversation and thought about creative expression in SL? #
  • @fncll True, but doesn’t the education lead to application/function? #
  • @cogdog I know; that reminds me when I studied the humanities for years. I enjoyed nothing more than thinking about thinking. #
  • Now, I like to think about things to do something with. Not as a utilitarian, but more because I am constantly processing experiences. #
  • @jimgroom Perhaps, but then the imagination leads into something concrete. Even the artist then creates the art, the poetry, etc. #
  • @fncll True. #
  • I have a French film on a DVD playing in the background now. It makes me think of France, which in turn makes me consider visiting there. #
  • I am not interested in the issues around valuing art and creativity. I am struggling to process this and answer the "so what" question. #
  • @fncll I find it helpful to think of Mezirow’s Transformative Learning theory, which I find a comforting scaffolding when hit with the new. #
  • @nnoakes I am not familiar with loop input. What is that? #
  • @nnoakes Another name for that concept. Thanks. #
  • @cogdog That is called passion! #
  • @fncll Hello to your most excellent students! #
  • @skydaddy I like that way of thinking about Twitter. #
  • @mkgold I did the same. One thus far. I have been Tweeting and blogging about Twitter usefulness in higher ed. #
  • Doing a demo on how to teach Leadership. #
  • Just explained Twitter and how I am using it in my Project Management class to some colleagues. #
  • Ate lunch in Bryant Park. Did not know they had a carousel there. It is playing French music. Wow. #
  • Always amazed at how much there is around me here, which I only notice when I slow down to look. #
  • Have been processing the final session from last night’s final NMC #nmcsymposium08 session, and am here now: #
  • @ChrisRicca Go get ’em! #
  • @colecamplese No specific number, but I do review those I follow every week or two. I remove any I no longer read or regularly respond to. #
  • @BronSt Always energy to show colleagues how NYC is the Center of Civilization as We Know It! #
  • @Currie Wish our dollar were strong enough to the Euro for me to travel there this year. Alas, will have to spend money closer to home. #
  • @arjunsingh Congratulate her for me! #
  • @brlamb I find learning and growth comes mainly when I am confronted with the completely new. That is what I blogged about today! #
  • @pinoyboy Do tell. #

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Jeffrey’s Twitter Updates for 2008-04-02

  • Class just ended and students are completing the Critical Incident Questionnaire. #
  • I talked about Twitter in my class as an application that allows people to communicate and locate others with shared professional interest. #
  • Conducting a training needs analysis will reveal many of our learners will use technology, so we have to understand it to reach them. #
  • We do not have to use the technology, we just have to know about it and how our users use it. Without that, there is not a complete analysis #
  • Tried to log on to the NMC Symposium on Mashups, but could not connect on Second Life. #
  • I wish the support from the New Media Consortium would be available during the opening session. #
  • @JennyRobbins Welcome to the Twitterverse! Upload an image and some descriptive text next as well. #
  • I think I can now enter the Second Life NMC island. We’ll see tonight. #
  • @montgorp Welcome back to the Twitterverse! #
  • @skydaddy ts Great visuals; thank you. I do not ordinarily use the terminology of "formative assessment" as in the second one. Do you? #
  • @SarahStewart I can only send you positive vibes for finding this population. Have you tried searching "twitter midwife" on Google? #
  • @SarahStewart Or tried Tweet Scan? #
  • Anybody else attending the #NMC (New Media Consortium) Symposium on Mashups? #
  • @pinoyboy What station? Is there a draft again? #
  • @skydaddy Got it. #
  • I just posted a link to Lee Lefever’s Twitter video for my students. #
  • A colleague said I Tweet a lot about food, so now will discuss going for coffee less. #
  • Attending the NMC session with Cole Camplese "Mashing It Up at a Big University." #
  • Cole, in the NMC session, mentioned he is using Twitter for backchannel conversations in a classroom. Great idea. #
  • @colecamplese Great NMC session. A lot to think about and process. #
  • @fncll True, so therefore less to multitask with. #
  • @fncll One benefit of Adobe Connect vs. Elluminate–no downloads! #
  • @colecamplese It was very good, Cole. Lots to consider about how to implement for my own populations. #
  • Left work and on my way to get some glass that was being repaired. #

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