Jeffrey’s Twitter Updates for 2008-04-16

  • @moritherapy ts Yes, saw Satyagraha live. Was visually spectacular with amazing puppets. Sung in Sanskrit. Hypnotic melody. Saw Philip Glass #
  • Misjudged the time of my first meeting this morning. Not a good way to begin the day. #
  • Just learned that Jericho on CBS was cancelled. Seems CBS has their head in the sand on this one, especially given the writer’s strike. #
  • In my fifth meeting of the day. #
  • Somebody spilled garlic powder on the floor in the conference room. Getting very hungry. #
  • Just heard about an organizational survey where most people wanted time management training and improvement. It was dismissed due to no time #
  • @injenuity I hear it also works well when lightly sprinkled on chairs in toward air conditioning units. #
  • @slmader If I did not hear it from a person who learned this first-hand in a research project, I would not have believed it! #
  • Walking home. Wow it is beautiful outside. #

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Jeffrey’s Twitter Updates for 2008-04-15

  • During the second intermission at Satyagraha at the Met Opera. Absolutely amazing opera. Philip Glass is intense and the production is top. #
  • Where is the day going? #
  • @aidanhenry Good for you. The best for continued improvement. #
  • I am hoping that my blog post will spur some discussion among instructional designers and those involved in EBP. #
  • @dctrcurry All picked! #
  • @moritherapy I just saw Satyagraha last night, so this is very present in my thinking right now. #
  • @pinoyboy Cool! #
  • @ChrisRicca I wish I would have known; I could have given you a list. #

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Jeffrey’s Twitter Updates for 2008-04-14

  • @moritherapy What is a "true" sabbath? #
  • Ever have those emails that you cannot read if the send agrees or disagrees with you? How do you handle them? #
  • Going for lunch. First time I stood up since I got into the office today. #
  • @moritherapy Perhaps it would be interesting to instead begin with a Tech Sabbath, a day when we spend time with life beyond the Web? #
  • @maniactive So, was it freeing or frustrating? #
  • @dctrcurry So, which shall we explore first? #
  • @Currie My snow finally finished melting on Saturday evening. We did have scattered snow yesterday, but no accululation. #
  • @leelefever Very cool, Lee. #
  • @grisonne What type of puppy are you searching for? #
  • @grisonne North of the city, in the Catskills. #
  • @pinoyboy I still love the scent of Crayola, and Play-Doh, too! #
  • @aidanhenry Excellent. How are they going with the recovery? #

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Jeffrey’s Twitter Updates for 2008-04-13

  • Snowing outside. Cold. Lit the fire and doing Sunday morning ritual of fire, coffee, early music, and reading. Snow adds a tranquil touch. #
  • Yesterday in my monastic hike came across a fresh, half-eaten fish. Convinced almost stumbled across a bear. Terror. Meditation vs reality? #
  • @moritherapy What is a sabath plan? #
  • Reading David McConnell’s work on networked collaborative e-learning. #

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Jeffrey’s Twitter Updates for 2008-04-12

  • Sunny out this morning. Need to clean the basement for spring cleaning. Lots of stuff to bring to the dump. #
  • I got an email that my colleague Christina signed up for Twitter. Finally. Saying this for her benefit once she follows me. #
  • Cleaned the basement. A large load is now ready for the dump. #
  • Taking a hike by a lake near a monastery on top of a mountain. Heard the bells at 3:00 call the monks to prayer. Brings me back in time. #
  • Feel like an experience out of time. I do have cell service here though miles from anything. Interesting juxtaposition. #

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