Jeffrey’s Twitter Updates for 2008-05-16

  • Just gave my Leadership class students an assignment for a presentation due on Tuesday. They really seem up for it. #
  • Stopped at Home Depot on the way to work. Bought a dowel and some jute twine to help my top-heavy orchid stand up. #
  • My back is bothering me today. Sharp pains. Has been a long and stressful week. #
  • Welcome to the Twitterverse, @kattet. When will you post? #

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Jeffrey’s Twitter Updates for 2008-05-15

  • Working on a presentation I have to give in June. #
  • Had a wonderful traditional English dinner. Baked beans over toast with cheese. #
  • Listening to "Quantas sabedes amar (Martin Codax 13th Century)" on the album Danzas Medievales EspaƱolas. #
  • Switching to "Quantas Sabedes Amare Amigo" by Ensemble Alcatraz. I love Medieval music. #
  • Wow, John Edwards endorsed Barack Obama #
  • Reviewing the results of the Critical Incident Questionnaire from my class last night. #
  • @butwait Night, Shelley. #
  • If I failed as often as Twitter, I would not get paid. Hey, we don’t pay for Twitter, do we? #
  • Still thinking about NetVibes after the wonderful discussion with @etheoreal and @BronSt. Hope colleagues in #cp2tech01 can also share. #
  • @coyenator I studied and sang Gregorian Chant while doing a graduate degree. Still chant the Rorate Coeli when nobody can hear. #
  • @abenamer Mr. Popularity! #
  • @coyenator Do you mean like a keyword search on just a single page that is already open? #
  • @nattynato Welcome to the Twitterverse! Why do you think Twitter is being explored in the context of leadership? #
  • @rlk300 So, any additional thoughts about using Twitter? #
  • I have been thinking about how Twitter use is changing communication itself. Leadership opportunities and needs abound! #
  • @betsyweber Ouch. Have been through all of that, with the second one being the most unpleasent. The best for you all. #
  • @jimgroom Are you here in NYC now, without meeting me for a drink or snack??? #
  • @ChrisRicca They seem to avoid mine when I out them out. The ones I encounter seem to be more devious. #
  • @pinoyboy Very true about that. Just remember, the wearer was not your mom! #
  • @nattynato What kind of coding? #
  • Going for a walk out at lunch. Nice to clear the mind and senses. #
  • @sgance I just overpaid and underenjoyed a latte. #
  • @RobinYap That worked once to get me into an office and out of a cube farm. #
  • @ChrisRicca Why would you want to get them off? I thought you just threw it into the trash chute? #
  • @jimgroom Here’s looking at you, kid. Let me know. #
  • California Supreme Court Overturns Gay Marriage Ban #
  • @maniactive Switch to Verizon Wireless. They only bother you if you do not pay! #
  • @jfeo Welcome to the Twitterverse! #
  • Brutal project meetings today. #
  • Working on case studies in class. #

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Jeffrey’s Twitter Updates for 2008-05-14

  • I am explaining Twitter to my Leadership class. Say hello to them. #
  • @arjunsingh Thank you for the shout out, Arjun. They said hello in return! #
  • @nnoakes Hello back to you, Nick. Thank you! #
  • @dmcordell You are so right. Thank you for saying hello, and I will send these new leaders to you in six weeks when the course ends. #
  • @arjunsingh Technology never ceases. #
  • @dougsymington Thank you, Doug. Travel safely to lead another day! #
  • @butwait Thank you for the reference. I will pass that along to my students on our #Blackboard page. #
  • @etheoreal What do you think about it? #cp2tech01 #
  • @injenuity Sorry for the delay! The # as in #cp2tech01 is so that our online group @cp2tech01 can follow one another via #
  • Dragging this morning. Too bad, as it is beautiful outside today. #
  • Welcome to the Twitterverse, @Catalina_h #
  • @MBisanz Welcome to the Twitterverse. When will you update? #
  • @Monie Welcome to the Twitterverse. #
  • Twitter seems slow right now. Perhaps because my students are opening accounts? #
  • @dmcordell I talked about this here, but think a blog post may be in order. On my list! #
  • Gooing to Starbucks. Wonder of a four shot latte is enough this morning? #
  • Exploring Netvibes with @etheoreal and @bronst as part of a #cp2tech01 mini-field trip and tool exploration. #

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Jeffrey’s Twitter Updates for 2008-05-13

  • @abalone What about it (especially compared to PageFlakes)? #cp2tech01 #
  • @abalone Are you exploring independently, or with a partner? If alone, is it hunt and peck, or are you using a more systematic approach? #
  • Doing the final tweaks for my slides for tomorrow (or more specifically), for tonight. #
  • @hrheingold Suddenly see you 8 times in a row. You make nice wallpaper, Howard! #
  • @bevtrayner Travel safely, Bev. #
  • @nnoakes When will we see you join us at #cp2tech01? #
  • @karlastevenson Very cool. Thank you! #
  • @brlamb Let me know when you will be here in NYC. Will buy you and yours a drink of whatever beverage is to your liking. #
  • @maniactive Congrats. I like creating our own celebrations. #
  • @RobinYap I used to do that, but now most people here do not use them, so they stand there talking not knowing I cannot hear them. #
  • @brlamb Travel safely. #
  • Robert Rauschenberg died RIP. #
  • Long morning preparing for Thursday’s project team meeting and steering committee meeting. Lots left still to do. #
  • Waiting for some Goon Mandoo. #
  • Will have to do the #cp2tech01 tool / wave assignment today. #
  • Wonder if the workshop participants of #cp2tech01 are expected to just study CoPs, or to form one as well? #
  • Going to class. #

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Jeffrey’s Twitter Updates for 2008-05-12

  • Finally coming back online with a computer, and not just a BlackBerry. Mobile computing is good in a crunch, but not to rely on. #
  • @krosenfeld I was falling asleep while pressing and ironing shirts late last night. #
  • @krosenfeld I like to try public transit whenever I travel, and for all of our transit troubles in NY, the subway system is rather efficient #
  • @krosenfeld Interestingly as well, mass transit is not class or status based, as I find in many other cities. Rather democratic, to be sure. #
  • @coyenator Starting to wonder if there was a weekend in there someplace . . . #
  • Looking forward to the #CP2tech01 conference call this afternoon. #
  • Ate a Veggie Delight sandwich at Subway. Starting the week off healthily. #
  • Working on notes for a project steering committee meeting this Thursday. #
  • Joining the #cp2tech01 phone conference at the beginning of Week 3. #
  • @abalone Wonderful. Just got onto the call. #
  • @skydaddy yumm #
  • Interesting way of introducing people on the #cp2tech01 call. Introduce yourself and mention which tool you most like or are challenged by. #
  • #CP2tech01 I like WebCrossing and Twitter (of course). #
  • #CP2tech01 call is discussing waving in different contexts. Feeling lost. Skype is breaking up and quite a challenge to listen to. #
  • #CP2tech01 Not sure I understand the wave concept. Can’t see it. #
  • #CP2tech01 Completely lost. Getting frustrated. Perhaps the workshop in general forgot all people cannot see the chat? #
  • @shirleyearley Not quite addicted (me), rather I am amazed at its plethora of uses. #
  • #CP2tech01 There are a lot of tools, and they can be a challenge if we are new to them. #
  • @BronSt I think that is a good suggestion for NetVibes. I have an account, but do not know how to use it as you mentioned. #CP2tech01 #
  • @CP2tech01 I think that it is easy to open accounts, but an entirely different thing to know what to do with them. #
  • @abalone Yes; thank you. The challenge is when people say I will send this link or that one, or about muting, etc. #
  • @abalone Is that listed / indexed on the wiki anyplace yet? #
  • @derekcx Still no avatar pic? #
  • @coyenator That is the case for nearly everybody I have spoken too. I wonder why that is the case that it happens only after prolonged use? #
  • @shirleyearley Netvibes seems like a good choice for me. Just created a new account, as it was not very robust last year. #
  • @CP2Tech01 I am not sure what igoogle tools are. #
  • @CP2Tech01 Is igoogle the same as Google email or Google chat? #
  • @BronST Where did you load that screenshot? #
  • Have to leave to run to another meeting #CP2Tech01. Thank you for assistance all with translating the skype texts. #
  • Final meeting at work and into the train. Tonight will finish my lessons for tomorrow’s Leadership course. #
  • Want to use Twitter in the graduate Leadership class I begin teaching tomorrow night. Any ideas how? #
  • @leelefever Oh, you love it, Lee! #
  • @cindybrock Congrats, #
  • @brlamb Vacation? #
  • @BronSt Thank you. #
  • @bdieu Thank you, Bee. So, just the normal Google apps then? #
  • I shared the list of required and recommended texts for my Leadership class that begins tomorrow. Why do people rarely do this publicly? #

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