1/ I read Maor, Ensor, & Fraser (2015). Doctoral supervision in virtual spaces: A review of research of web-based tools to develop collaborative supervision. Higher Education Research & Development. http://doi.org/10.1080/07294360.2015.1121206
2/ Doctoral Supervision in Virtual Spaces is above all a literature review, modeling how to do one as scholarly work in itself
3/ The literature review table in the Appendix is worth a look for #phdchat or #ecrchat learners as a model for scholarly summaries
4/ The research examined articles on doctoral supervision and its use of web-based tools to enhance collaboration and dialogue
5/ Some of the articles they identified I have not seen, so always a good way to identify new directions for my own reading
6/ The authors found a trend in web-based platforms to improve and support doctoral supervision and overall experience
7/ Doctoral supervision improvements will benefit from improved technology use as supported by newer pedagogical perspectives
8/ This work was primarily Australian in focus, and with some references to the UK, did not really explore US doctoral trends
9/ I wonder if the authors would find the EARLI SIG24 Researcher Education and Careers as a related area of inquiry? #5Papers
Doctoral Supervision in Virtual Spaces: A Brief Paper Summary #5Papers https://t.co/tML6i6YmWi