@JaneDavis13 @tryberg @chrisrjones We were discussing NL as something that lacks a public face/discourse and a #mooc about it was a thought.
7 thoughts on “@JaneDavis13 @tryberg @chrisrjones We were discuss…”
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Director of Training & Knowledge Management + Educational Researcher + Professor + Poet + Wikipedian = Liminality + Actor-Network Theory + Open Education
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@JeffreyKeefer @tryberg @chrisrjones I lurked my way through your discussion but felt compelled to comment when moocs came in!
@JeffreyKeefer @JaneDavis13 @tryberg @chrisrjones #mooc may work better w/existing NL community than w/ ‘from scratch’ course BUT …
@JeffreyKeefer @JaneDavis13 @tryberg @chrisrjones 2/2 … is MOOC most appropriate community platform?
@francesbell @JeffreyKeefer @tryberg @chrisrjones totally agree Frances!
@JaneDavis13 @francesbell @JeffreyKeefer @tryberg Sorry to be in and out if the conversation, I’m supposed to be editing a draft… 🙂
@JaneDavis13 @JeffreyKeefer @tryberg @chrisrjones am currently working on MOOC community formation paper w @jennymackness – it’s layered:)
@francesbell @JeffreyKeefer @tryberg @chrisrjones @jennymackness my only mooc experience not good. Too many participants with diverse needs