@Bali_Maha Well, #ccourses is all about open and connected learning, but how about how those principles can live within closed systems?
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Director of Training & Knowledge Management + Educational Researcher + Professor + Poet + Wikipedian = Liminality + Actor-Network Theory + Open Education
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RT @JeffreyKeefer: @Bali_Maha Well, #ccourses is all about open and connected learning, but how about how those principles can live within β¦
@JeffreyKeefer a question many of us r interested in, right @GoogleGuacamole @MiaZamoraPhD ? Connected learning in formal courses? #ccourses
@Bali_Maha @JeffreyKeefer @MiaZamoraPhD publishing a draft mock prospectus presentation on my angle on that by end of weekend
@GoogleGuacamole @JeffreyKeefer @MiaZamoraPhD juicy! Plz tag us with link when u do?
@Bali_Maha @JeffreyKeefer @MiaZamoraPhD will do. Note “draft” and “mock” as double drafti-ness…need comments
@GoogleGuacamole @JeffreyKeefer @MiaZamoraPhD i enjoy reading ppl’s thought processes more than final products π
@GoogleGuacamole @Bali_Maha @JeffreyKeefer @MiaZamoraPhD oh yay! will keep my eyes open for this, Laura. very interested in this topic also.
@catherinecronin @Bali_Maha @JeffreyKeefer @MiaZamoraPhD lol pressure on:) I’ll be loud when I post; just a 30 min PPT outlining project.
RT @JeffreyKeefer: @Bali_Maha Well, #ccourses is all about open and connected learning, but how about how those principles can live within β¦
@Bali_Maha @JeffreyKeefer @GoogleGuacamole Yes! Must explore “what now?” together in the wake of our #ccourses experience -what will change?
@GoogleGuacamole @Bali_Maha @JeffreyKeefer Awesome. Can’t wait 2 hear from u!
@GoogleGuacamole @Bali_Maha @JeffreyKeefer double draftiness most welcome π
@catherinecronin @GoogleGuacamole @Bali_Maha @JeffreyKeefer yes! we r all so interested b/c we know this is key 2 meaningful changes 4 edu!
@GoogleGuacamole @catherinecronin @Bali_Maha @JeffreyKeefer its good stuff 2 inspire us.no pressure! just inspired friends here i am sure π
@MiaZamoraPhD @catherinecronin @GoogleGuacamole @Bali_Maha @JeffreyKeefer that is a continuation of #ccourses would like – beachhead oocs.
@Bali_Maha @JeffreyKeefer @GoogleGuacamole @MiaZamoraPhD I’m in π
@EatcherVeggies @Bali_Maha @JeffreyKeefer @MiaZamoraPhD interesting idea: MOOC about ConnectedLearning specific to formal learning environs
@EatcherVeggies @Bali_Maha @JeffreyKeefer @MiaZamoraPhD maybe not 9 wk formal mooc as much as learning community
@EatcherVeggies @Bali_Maha @JeffreyKeefer @MiaZamoraPhD although I’m up for organizing some webinars :).
@GoogleGuacamole @EatcherVeggies @JeffreyKeefer @MiaZamoraPhD we could always agree topics to discuss & blog or tweetchat using #ccourses
@GoogleGuacamole @EatcherVeggies @JeffreyKeefer @MiaZamoraPhD we kinda did that after formal end of #rhizo14
@EatcherVeggies @Bali_Maha @JeffreyKeefer @MiaZamoraPhD Wonder what @GardnerCampbell would say about series on #CCourses in Formal Learning
@GoogleGuacamole @EatcherVeggies @JeffreyKeefer @MiaZamoraPhD webinars not my fave thing but if ppl like them π
@GoogleGuacamole @EatcherVeggies @Bali_Maha @JeffreyKeefer #clmooc is like this but veils CL principles behind “makes” -praxis before theory
@GoogleGuacamole @EatcherVeggies @Bali_Maha @JeffreyKeefer planning #connectedcourse 4 Spr -hope 2 collabor8 w/#connectedlearning colleagues
@GoogleGuacamole @EatcherVeggies @Bali_Maha @JeffreyKeefer @MiaZamoraPhD He might say “Tell me more.” π