@KeriLynnWolfe @curtrice @tryberg @Marj_K If we teach students to search research databases, then open journals should be indexed #ccourses
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Director of Training & Knowledge Management + Educational Researcher + Professor + Poet + Wikipedian = Liminality + Actor-Network Theory + Open Education
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@JeffreyKeefer @KeriLynnWolfe @curtrice @Marj_K there are some that are indexed and increasingly so I suppose
@tryberg @JeffreyKeefer @KeriLynnWolfe @Marj_K OA isn’t a criterion for non-indexing, right? Maybe I misunderstood you.
@curtrice @JeffreyKeefer @KeriLynnWolfe @Marj_K no I meant to say that some / many oa are indeed indexed
@tryberg @JeffreyKeefer @KeriLynnWolfe @Marj_K ah, right. there are good & bad OA journals, and good & bad traditional journals.
RT @JeffreyKeefer: @KeriLynnWolfe @curtrice @tryberg @Marj_K If we teach students to search research databases, then open journals should b…
@JeffreyKeefer @pumpedlibrarian @KeriLynnWolfe @curtrice @tryberg @Marj_K Let’s provide indexing to open journals please!
@tryberg @curtrice @JeffreyKeefer @Marj_K yah, exactly. But even if indexed, when students ask librarians for help o/a not often mentioned.
@KeriLynnWolfe @curtrice @JeffreyKeefer @Marj_K in Denmark research minister has the aim 80% of peer-rev artic should be #openaccess by 2017
@KeriLynnWolfe @tryberg @JeffreyKeefer @Marj_K weird. librarians are often in the lead in terms of getting uni’s over to OA
RT @JeffreyKeefer: @KeriLynnWolfe @curtrice @tryberg @Marj_K If we teach students to search research databases, then open journals should b…