RT @whowewilltobe: @gusreview Make sure that One Tier is a goal: shared governance, economic justice, and academic freedom for ALL…
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RT @JeffreyKeefer: RT @whowewilltobe: @gusreview Make sure that One Tier is a goal: shared governance, economic justice, and academic freed…
@JeffreyKeefer @whowewilltobe @gusreview What incentive would a decentralized academy, based on class & caste, have 4 adopting such a goal?
@darthur62 @JeffreyKeefer @gusreview Academic freedom & focus on instruction rather than #badmin dreams of a triple A bond rating, perhaps?
@JeffreyKeefer @whowewilltobe @gusreview Guess I’m getting ahead of myself. 1st the #adjunct community would have to unite behind said goal.
@darthur62 @JeffreyKeefer @gusreview I feel that #adjuncts would easily unite behing the One Tier Faculty goal – erase all division.
@whowewilltobe @darthur62 @JeffreyKeefer Will tenured and tenure track faculty and #highered admin support it? #AdjunctChat
@gusreview @darthur62 @JeffreyKeefer For the good of students, we hope so. Why weaken the academics and instruction? #AdjunctChat
@gusreview @whowewilltobe @JeffreyKeefer Probably not w/out pressure. Probably not w/out calling them on their ideals. Probably not w/out
@gusreview @whowewilltobe @JeffreyKeefer labor action. Anti-capitalist ideals are just PR if humanities profs capitalize on a caste system.
@whowewilltobe @JeffreyKeefer @gusreview Me, too.