@Acahacker What tags do adjunct, contingent, part-time, precarious, or casual faculty follow? Gathering for a presentation next week.
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Director of Training & Knowledge Management + Educational Researcher + Professor + Poet + Wikipedian = Liminality + Actor-Network Theory + Open Education
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@JeffreyKeefer Suggest #auscasuals, #phdchat #ecrchat, #phdforum #highered, #AcWri
RT @JeffreyKeefer: @Acahacker What tags do adjunct, contingent, part-time, precarious, or casual faculty follow? Gathering for a presentati…
@Acahacker @JeffreyKeefer Jeffrey: also #badmin to call out admins’ unfair treatment, abuse, labor exploitation, wage theft, etc. etc. etc.
@JeffreyKeefer @ProfessorF74 @Acahacker I tried to get #adjunctivitis going after I published a novella of that name but it didn’t catch on
@gordonhaber @JeffreyKeefer @Acahacker Gordon and I had fun a few weeks ago with #AdjunctBragging. But #NotYourAdjunctSidekick was huge.
@ProfessorF74 @gordonhaber @JeffreyKeefer @Acahacker Well, I still have one class left…#AdjunctBragging đŸ˜‰
@MirandaMerklein @ProfessorF74 @JeffreyKeefer @Acahacker #adjunctbragging I got 8 sections this term and they’re paying me for 4 of them!
@JeffreyKeefer If we’re just talking about precarious academic employment in Australia #auscasuals pretty much the only tag (AFAIK)
RT @JeffreyKeefer: @Acahacker What tags do adjunct, contingent, part-time, precarious, or casual faculty follow? Gathering for a presentati…