RT @whowewilltobe: Q2: Tell us about your experiences during application (or deciding if this is the route for you). #AdjunctChat
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Director of Training & Knowledge Management + Educational Researcher + Professor + Poet + Wikipedian = Liminality + Actor-Network Theory + Open Education
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@JeffreyKeefer When they find out I’m a “professor,” they shake their heads & tell me how their nieces pay outrageous tuition. #AdjunctChat
@whowewilltobe @JeffreyKeefer Same reaction I got from the assistance ppl. Then they look all sorry for me & I almost throw up #adjunctchat
@GracieG @JeffreyKeefer I wonder just how oblivious many TT faculty, staff, #badmin are. What if they couldn’t help but see? #AdjunctChat
@GracieG @JeffreyKeefer Our recent contract earned us a seat on department curriculum committees. TT thought that meant keeping us informed.
@GracieG @JeffreyKeefer When I informed them that seats are to be meaningful and participatory, it was obvious they’d never considered it.
@whowewilltobe @GracieG @JeffreyKeefer willfully oblivious like neighbors, family who don’t “see” abuse #adjunctchat
@VCVaile @GracieG @JeffreyKeefer Guess we’ll just have to stand right in front of their tunnel vision so they have to look. #AdjunctChat
@VCVaile @whowewilltobe @JeffreyKeefer I have to wonder anymore if it’s just not apathy. They think they’re safe…. #adjunctchat
@whowewilltobe @GracieG @JeffreyKeefer my exp is that most TT dont even think about this. they r in a gradsch set mentality #adjunctchat
@VCVaile @JeffreyKeefer But they’re not, as you wrote, @GracieG: http://t.co/2gGmp8BGC6 #AdjunctChat
@fabianbanga @GracieG @JeffreyKeefer Or they entered academia at a very different time and don’t think to stay up to date. #AdjunctChat
@whowewilltobe @fabianbanga @GracieG @JeffreyKeefer that is irresponsible #adjunctchat
@whowewilltobe @GracieG @JeffreyKeefer what I saw in Europe and Lat America is different, recognition of the labor reality #adjunctchat
@VCVaile it is.
@whowewilltobe @GracieG @JeffreyKeefer #adjunctchat
@fabianbanga @whowewilltobe @GracieG @JeffreyKeefer that is still denial ~ no excuse #adjunctchat
@VCVaile @fabianbanga @GracieG @JeffreyKeefer I believe it’s AAUP who says that unis should serve the public good and the pursuit of truth.
@whowewilltobe @fabianbanga @JeffreyKeefer Exactly. I still get the “Don’t worry, good ppl get good jobs” line from older TT #adjunctchat
@VCVaile @fabianbanga @GracieG @JeffreyKeefer And you can’t do that if you’re not involved in your own community. #AdjunctChat
@VCVaile @fabianbanga @GracieG @JeffreyKeefer Time for TT and #badmin to listen up and listen well. It’s up to us to make them. #AdjunctChat
@VCVaile we need a class in gradschool in this topic > “solidarity” #adjunctchat
@whowewilltobe @GracieG @JeffreyKeefer
@fabianbanga @VCVaile @GracieG @JeffreyKeefer We need an entirely new platform. To whittle away the fat. Leave accreditation. #AdjunctChat
@fabianbanga @VCVaile @GracieG @JeffreyKeefer Eliminate the middle man (#badmin) and set up structures of #MutualAid with students & faculty
@whowewilltobe @fabianbanga @GracieG @JeffreyKeefer to be involved means they have to see all as one community #adjunctchat
@whowewilltobe they dont have a choice; this demog time bomb will explode in their faces @VCVaile @GracieG @JeffreyKeefer #adjunctchat
@fabianbanga @whowewilltobe @VCVaile @JeffreyKeefer Is it wrong to say the sooner the better on that Earth-shattering Ka-Boom?! #adjunctchat
@GracieG @fabianbanga @VCVaile @JeffreyKeefer Oh hell no. It’s what we should all be saying, then realizing. #AdjunctChat
@GracieG thinking about this yesterday (uncanny!) the problem: system has no reaction #adjunctchat @whowewilltobe @VCVaile @JeffreyKeefer
@fabianbanga @GracieG @whowewilltobe @JeffreyKeefer ire: problem that the system has no reaction, how do we get one? #adjunctchat