Q3 How common is #Adjunctivism, or reliance on outsourcing to part-time instructors, where you are? #AdjunctChat
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@JeffreyKeefer A3 This is the common sense question, and it’s really hard to answer because of the way we count. @unicasual? #AdjunctChat
@JeffreyKeefer A3 I have listened to university leaders saying we have very little casualisation. #AdjunctChat #smokeandmirrors
@KateMfD @JeffreyKeefer @unicasual Yes, and what levels we count at. E.g at university levels, numbers are stable (high)> #AdjunctChat
@KateMfD @JeffreyKeefer Govt publishes casual staff data by full time equivalence not headcount in Oz. No accurtae numbers. #adjunctchat
@KateMfD @JeffreyKeefer The bulk of teaching is done by casuals I’m p sure? I have always called it casual, not sessional #Adjunctchat
@KateMfD @JeffreyKeefer @unicasual But at department or school level, numbers shifting from week to week sometimes. #AdjunctChat
@JeffreyKeefer A3 At my uni, with TA union, transition now towards TA & limit of adjuncts. Also because of benefits #adjunctchat
@KateMfD @JeffreyKeefer @unicasual And also *when* we count. Here it’s always on 31st March. #AdjunctChat
@KateMfD @JeffreyKeefer academic Robyn May says over 70,000 based on superannuation figures #adjunctchat
@JeffreyKeefer TA’s have ambivilant status so healthcare may not be needed. #adjunctchat TA’s are students & instructors.
RT @JeffreyKeefer: Q3 How common is #Adjunctivism, or reliance on outsourcing to part-time instructors, where you are? #AdjunctChat
@rebeccagoodway @katemfd @jeffreykeefer agree, use casual as the term. Sessional as word I think covers the truth #adjunctchat
@rebeccagoodway @JeffreyKeefer For us the issue’s also where the casual teaching is happening: first year especially. #AdjunctChat
@JeffreyKeefer Q3 A Very prevalent. As you can see from this survey UCU carried out http://t.co/tZ2F735BM6 #adjunctchat
@JeffreyKeefer …Q3 A 68% of researchers, and 30% of teaching staff in further education colleges http://t.co/SYAyazrhVc #adjunctchat
@rebeccagoodway well over 50% undergrad teaching by #auscasuals from all estimates @KateMfD @JeffreyKeefer #adjunctchat
@uniacademic We dnot use casual cause some adjuncts have contracts #adjunctchat @rebeccagoodway @KateMfD @JeffreyKeefer
@uniacademic … r part of a preferential pool or r FT nontenured #adjunctchat @rebeccagoodway @KateMfD @JeffreyKeefer
@fabianbanga @uniacademic @rebeccagoodway @KateMfD @JeffreyKeefer A3 Heard leaders say many casuals ‘prefer’ to work this way #AdjunctChat
@unicasual @KateMfD @JeffreyKeefer And it is the most confusing and misleading way of counting real costs of casualisation #AdjunctChat
@unicasual @KateMfD @JeffreyKeefer Yes same research shows that casuals and sessionals (contract) the majority of teachers #AdjunctChat
RT @JeffreyKeefer: Q3 How common is #Adjunctivism, or reliance on outsourcing to part-time instructors, where you are? #AdjunctChat