@KateMfD @unicasual @Acahacker @UCUAnti_Cas Please also confirm you are up for this! #AdjunctChat wp.me/p3F432-4R
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Director of Training & Knowledge Management + Educational Researcher + Professor + Poet + Wikipedian = Liminality + Actor-Network Theory + Open Education
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@JeffreyKeefer @KateMfD @unicasual @UCUAnti_Cas I’m up for & looking forward to it! Will look at this in the morn & get back to you ASAP.
RT @JeffreyKeefer: @KateMfD @unicasual @Acahacker @UCUAnti_Cas Please also confirm you are up for this! #AdjunctChat http://t.co/IPUrx7atQI
@JeffreyKeefer I am interested in helping with adjunct chat this summer now I am unemployed. Would like to host adjunct chat about summer.
@JeffreyKeefer @KateMfD @unicasual @UCUAnti_Cas Could we change Q2 to read ‘instructors not employed on an ongoing basis’ or similar? >
@JeffreyKeefer @KateMfD @unicasual @UCUAnti_Cas > ‘adjunct’ has diff meaning in Aus (oft refers to retired faculty ‘returning’ to teaching)
@JeffreyKeefer @KateMfD @unicasual @UCUAnti_Cas May also need clarification around the term ‘adjunctivism’