“Cultural capital does not pay the rent” via @ProfessorF74 #BCCAgora
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@JeffreyKeefer My activist colleague @jesimone said it.
@JeffreyKeefer @ProfessorF74 source, @jesimone on http://t.co/6JCmQd5wVp #bccagora
@ProfessorF74 @JeffreyKeefer @jesimone – it’s an interesting statement. Would be great to hear your thoughts on what it’s actually worth.
@ben_houlihan @JeffreyKeefer @jesimone For me: I’m educated, accomplished, & respected intellectually.
Yet as #adjunct I made $23K/year.
@VCVaile @JeffreyKeefer @ProfessorF74 Yep, those are my words not Joe’s.
@jesimone @VCVaile @JeffreyKeefer And great words they were/are/will continue to be.
@ProfessorF74 @jesimone @JeffreyKeefer Joe was not the only one either…too bad the camera was not on him when he spoke
@ProfessorF74 @VCVaile @JeffreyKeefer I’m happy to open source my words 🙂
@VCVaile @jesimone @JeffreyKeefer Yes. There were technical difficulties. Jeffrey’s image was stuck on their screen.
@ben_houlihan @ProfessorF74 @JeffreyKeefer Disentangling capitalism from culture is a big question for tweets.
@ProfessorF74 @ben_houlihan @JeffreyKeefer 3 college classes/semester = $16k/yr at CC where I last taught. $90k in student debt.