@cookingandcomp @Comprof1 @Melissa_Venable Are you trying to survive on only teaching 3 classes in an adjunct capacity? #AdjunctChat
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@JeffreyKeefer @cookingandcomp @Melissa_Venable I’d like a FTjob. I only teach 2 because that was all my dept would give me. #AdjunctChat
@JeffreyKeefer @cookingandcomp @Comprof1 I teach two courses as an adjunct, and work full-time in a related eLearning position. #AdjunctChat
@JeffreyKeefer @Comprof1 @Melissa_Venable I’m actively seeking out FT jobs. 3 is max hours for adjuncts, so I am lucky. #AdjunctChat
where do you teach Virginia?
@Comprof1 @JeffreyKeefer @cookingandcomp @Melissa_Venable
@Melissa_Venable what do you do in eLearning? #AdjunctChat
@JeffreyKeefer @cookingandcomp @Comprof1