- Will try for the recording; tired of clicking refresh and hoping the #LSENetED live stream will work @authenticdasein @debprescott @lseclt #
- @authenticdasein @jsecker @debprescott Not able to see it online #LSENetED in reply to authenticdasein #
- @lseclt I am still getting the "Stream not found" message #LSENetED @suchprettyeyes @jsecker in reply to lseclt #
- @lseclt I am still getting a "Stream not found" error #LSENetEd in reply to lseclt #
- @grainnehamilton @mattlingard @Mr_Masterman I am not able to connect to the live stream with Diana Laurillard #LSENetEd http://t.co/UshwAW1C in reply to grainnehamilton #
- Planning to attend "What Does a New Yorker Think When he Bites Into a Hamburger?" http://t.co/iHsDc7l2 #Baudrillard #Foucault #phdchat #
- @savasavasava We all need your computer and staying power. in reply to savasavasava #
- @lizith You can do it! @JaneDavis13 #phdchat in reply to lizith #
- @damagedidentity What do you use it for? #phdchat in reply to damagedidentity #
- @ai1sa Nothing like another whole lifetime of challenges #phdchat in reply to ai1sa #
- @sonjaviv Excellent; fingers crossed for finishing. These things seem to go on forever, ehh?! in reply to sonjaviv #
- @daciatakesnote I think many of us are; it will be ok! in reply to daciatakesnote #
- @sonjaviv It is once again picking up speed, thankfully. Doing everything to get it finished by the end of the year. You? in reply to sonjaviv #
- @ai1sa 😉 in reply to ai1sa #
- @sonjaviv Though one day we must finish it . . . in reply to sonjaviv #
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