- RT @coocho: and #pomodoro has been very helpful in this #acwri insanity // Agreed; love #pomodoros #phdchat #
- @keithschofield Exellent! #phdchat in reply to keithschofield #
- September continues with challenges: Spencer now has a small scratch on his eye and is being treated for that in addition to everything else #
- @TeaAndSympathy There is an awful rumor that you are now closed for good. Say it isn 't so! #NYC #
- @joegartrell Not familiar with that app; don't recall anybody on #phdchat mentioning it. do you have a link? in reply to joegartrell #
- @mandlods Agreed; #Scrivener is worth the effort, but my wish list includes easier >Word formatting. I use their APA template #phdchat in reply to mandlods #
- @damagedidentity Perhaps it is your calling to create a managers' CoP? #phdchat in reply to damagedidentity #
- @damagedidentity Don't believe everything you see online 😉 #phdchat in reply to damagedidentity #
- Getting back to Gotham later than expected. Alas, no work tonight #nyc #
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