- @DrGarcia Was it at least a good cereal? in reply to DrGarcia #
- Puggoyles http://t.co/taYYVkSb #bahhumpug via @funaek Spencer and Posey love these comics! #
- @MisaimedBrain Enjoy it! Is this pure holiday? in reply to MisaimedBrain #
- @SarahStewart Indeed! in reply to SarahStewart #
- Wonder if I can make it home from the garage without it starting to rain? #nyc #
- @hanimorsi I hope so; you all seem to suffer from the same religious extremism that just won't go away here, either. in reply to hanimorsi #
- @dfreelon Indeed, that is one of #Mendeley #039;s limitations for us Mac users. in reply to dfreelon #
- @trentmkays Yes, be honest but not TOO honest; follow the model of @MittRomney and just tell people what you want them to know (or not)! in reply to trentmkays #
- @nancybaym It will be ok. in reply to nancybaym #
- @MisaimedBrain Excellent. Where are you off to? in reply to MisaimedBrain #
- Enough of a break trying to work my way into our overstuffed barn / shed; lots of things needed to be moved for its new doors. #
- @lornarichardson Repeat after me, Shiseido and shade. in reply to lornarichardson #
- Back to work on our Threshold Concepts Conference 2012 paper http://t.co/E7jCd16L #TCC12 #phdchat #
- @hanimorsi Alas, one form of oppression into another. Freedom is certainly a contentious issue. Hang in there. in reply to hanimorsi #
- @lornarichardson For me, the turning 30 was the shaking head and weeping period. in reply to lornarichardson #
- @hanimorsi One of the things that makes #Papers2 stand out is its ability to insert references into #Scrivener #phdchat in reply to hanimorsi #
- @hanimorsi I manage pdfs in #Papers2 and annotate in Preview on Mac #phdchat in reply to hanimorsi #
- @lornarichardson Sounds like it has already commenced! in reply to lornarichardson #
- @pauljcorcoran Any pictures of the occasion? in reply to pauljcorcoran #
- @SarahStewart Oddly, this is one of the more interesting Tweets I got in the past day. Perhaps not a good sign? in reply to SarahStewart #
- Why is e-learning so unpopular? http://t.co/bLBzeX0p #
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