Jeffrey’s Twitter Updates for 2012-04-20

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Video of My Research Seminar

I am happy to share the video of my recent Research Seminar presentation, where I discussed my doctoral thesis research in progress.

If you ever want to get feedback and suggestions about your own research I cannot recommend this sort of opportunity highly enough. In many ways, this came at just the right time, as it forced me to try to make sense of all my work in a way that is understandable by a larger audience (outside of my supervisors and immediate colleagues). Wonderful opportunity, especially while writing up, to help clarify the thoughts as this was the first time I have publicly discussed my work from beginning to end.

Besides looking like Mr. Potato HeadΒ in the video (which I fully expected), I am happy with the results.

Jeffrey’s Twitter Updates for 2012-04-19

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Jeffrey’s Twitter Updates for 2012-04-18

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Jeffrey’s Twitter Updates for 2012-04-17

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