- @avdbmt Perhaps! BTW, what area is your current work moving on? in reply to avdbmt #
- @danya Indeed. How do you work limo liminality into that? threaded on your work? in reply to danya #
- @savasavasava Yes. The American Dream is strangely lacking in costs after purchase. in reply to savasavasava #
- @MisaimedBrain Indeed, my research finds this as well, along with the notion that FT and PT can have org or personal definitions #phdchat in reply to MisaimedBrain #
- @savasavasava Yes, they cause nothing but problems with snow and ice. in reply to savasavasava #
- @SalomeMeyer That is a story for another day. in reply to SalomeMeyer #
- @HendraAgustian Hang in there. in reply to HendraAgustian #
- @HendraAgustian Ahh, the is never a right time for this, and while the PhD studies may be a favor, it may be only one of them. Fickle things in reply to HendraAgustian #
- @DA_Banks Great; looking forward to engaging in them while you struggle through! in reply to DA_Banks #
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