- How did I miss Avicii's song Fade into Darkness last year? I heard what sounded like a 45 minute extended version of it on the flight. Cool. #
- or even consistent in following some of my new colleagues back #nlc2012 #
- Taking a break from unpacking, just noticed that I spent so much time Tweeting at and about #nlc2012 that I was not consistent in replying. #
- Home. Spencer and Posey were both asleep, so a quiet welcome. #
- Kudos to #United for getting us to Newark 30 minutes early. Now the brief rail back to #nyc #
- @SarahStewart Yes, #nlc2012 was fabulous. Makes me wonder what criteria makes it fabulous; the event itself or what next steps we implement? in reply to SarahStewart #
- @HendraAgustian Wish I had the time! Lucky enough to have my colleague and friend @joostrobben spend an afternoon showing old Maastricht in reply to HendraAgustian #
- I do miss getting up wondering what learning lies ahead today, aka #nlc2012 but learning often comes unawares. #
- Brussels is a beautiful city, though it seems to have some roughness around the edges and is a different place at night. Like #nyc in that. #
- Time to clean up and off to the airport. As I may not have wifi or any access again before I land in #nyc this may be the last hurrah. #
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