Jeffrey’s Twitter Updates for 2012-04-04

  • @DrewWhitworth1 Indeed, their work is quite good, and also related to critical theory (which I also do not hear a lot about at #nlc2012 ) in reply to DrewWhitworth1 #
  • Focus on careers and vocationalism to build a knowledge economy #nlc2012 #
  • Wow, 51% of the population in Namibia is unemployed #nlc2012 #
  • Interesting presentation on professional development in Namibia #nlc2012 #
  • @gconole Not that learning should be fun, but it can help #nlc2012 in reply to gconole #
  • @violetta_louisa Good points all #nlc2012 in reply to violetta_louisa #
  • @suifaijohnmak @welshcloggy @gconole Wow, what a question. Still a lot to process #nlc2012 in reply to suifaijohnmak #
  • @ai1sa Perhaps, though perhaps it just needs to be ANT-informed, in that it does not otherwise conflict? #nlc2012 in reply to ai1sa #
  • @esk_rahimi Perhaps . . . #nlc2012 in reply to esk_rahimi #
  • @avdbmt We do need some support for this online community stuff to work, eh? in reply to avdbmt #
  • I just saw two references to Vygotsky. Oddly, I have not seen many references to him during #nlc2012 #
  • Classroom Access in the Cloud #nlc2012 #
  • I wonder if the result of the study will show positive learner outcomes, or if perhaps it only raises faculty satisfaction? #nlc2012 #
  • Good question: What is an effective role for faculty in networked learning? #nlc2012 #
  • Wow, the GSCC project successfully had faculty members tag their work #nlc2012 #
  • Imagine that, it was a challenge to convince funders that pedagogy was a factor in HE teaching and student success #nlc2012 #
  • @avdbmt Bless you #
  • Attending Brenda Kaulback discussing professional development and activity theory at #nlc2012 #
  • Interesting essay here on transdisciplinary research in the Huffington Post #nlc2012 #
  • @tryberg Perhaps. Part of it could involve a discussion around what sort of need and resources exist to maintain its activity #nlc2012 in reply to tryberg #
  • I want to hear more about the NetCU project #nlc2012 #
  • @stevewright1976 Of course, posting I public is a relative thing; depending on what we consider to be public #nlc2012 in reply to stevewright1976 #
  • @NSRiazat @ai1sa Thus far I would say yes! #nlc2012 in reply to NSRiazat #
  • @stevewright1976 Quite nicely stated #nlc2012 in reply to stevewright1976 #
  • Nice presentation with Q&A. Perhaps we need an ongoing forum connected with #nlc2012 #
  • Really good presentation with some rather strong questions #nlc2012 #
  • Instructivism is good when I know little about the topic. May be a slippery slope and can be used for all pedagogic justifications #nlc2012 #
  • How much research happens around the work with or in The Landing? #nlc2012 #
  • Isn't a closed garden with windows and real identities what Facebook tries to be? #nlc2012 #
  • Goodness, did I just hear constructionism as a merging of constructivism and connectivism? #nlc2012 #
  • The Landing does not have a purpose, but rather an open construction set. That sounds scary for many faculty #nlc2012 #
  • Interesting to see what research comes from The Landing, say 2 years from now at the next Networked Learning Conference? #nlc2012 #
  • Zombie Research Group! now that is a way to sell that to administration and the tech-phobic! #nlc2012 #
  • I wonder what criteria are used to assess success in The Landing? #nlc2012 #
  • I like the concept of The Landing as an assembly. #nlc2012 #
  • Valuable to explore what is being tried in The Landing, but how can I take my stuff with me when I leave? #nlc2012 #
  • Doesn't The Landing still build a wall to divide my academic life with the rest of my life? How negotiate that? #nlc2012 #
  • Makes me wonder of anybody has struck on what about FB keeps people coming back? Perhaps we all want people to join us? #nlc2012 #
  • Goodness, is The Landing like a "build it and they will come?" if people are encouraged to leave Facebook for it? #nlc2012 #
  • I wonder how much intelligence and means and motivation are needed to for people to really learn in a way that is best for them? #nlc2012 #
  • Concept of Amazon exploiting the similar or recommended book feature as a (depersonalized) network. Hmm, automated use of ANT? #nlc2012 #
  • I wonder about using a hash tag # — do ordinary people really use them at all, or do regular folk just use regular words? #nlc2012 #
  • Networks are abut everything, except when I write my own Tweets #nlc2012 #
  • Network ghost town. I like that metaphor. Build it and they will come only works with ill spent grant funds. #nlc2012 #
  • Is a MOOC a course or an opportunity for learning? Good question for consideration and writing and research #nlc2012 #
  • How many have participated in #change11 Several. How many have participated in the last week? None. Interesting… #nlc2012 #
  • I really like this tag team presentation style. #nlc2012 #
  • Connectivism sounds good in theory, but it seems to make knowledge exist outside the individual; reminds me of warped positivism #nlc2012 #
  • Alas, try as I may, I just can't ANT away issues of power and positionality #nlc2012 #
  • No, control mean good for me. #nlc2012 #
  • I agree, what control does Moodle allow for learners? #nlc2012 #
  • Third world needs related to large classes? Ever see undergraduate lecture halls at $5K each? #nlc2012 #
  • Of course nothing is really free. Somebody always pays; cf. Facebook, Google, etc. They give because they get in other ways #nlc2012 #
  • I can't help wonder what free content means for value. Doesn't free often mean no value? Related to that 80% off? #nlc2012 #
  • Hey, that evil publishing industry pays some of my bills. Free is nice, but somebody has to keep the list on #nlc2012 #
  • I use Terry Anderson's The Theory and Practice of Online Learning in one of my courses #nlc2012 #
  • That delegation of control rings of hegemony. Let's just sit hear and think about it #nlc2012 #
  • @thecleversheep Depends on if you teach those subjects! #nlc2012 in reply to thecleversheep #
  • Behaviorist and cognitive learning is gaining a thing; interesting ontological frame. Rings true working in instructional design #nlc2012 #
  • Who cares about the amount of "human" in a technology? That may just be my inner ANT thinking #nlc2012 #
  • How can technologies be divided? Should they be divided? #nlc2012 #
  • Interesting consideration of using a pen for various uses, and thus different technologies #nlc2012 #
  • Are technologies pedagogies? #nlc2012 #
  • Great Terry and Jon are talking about their work with Nets, Sets, and Groups. Yet another continuation from their Hot Seat #nlc2012 #
  • I like that concept, the World Federation of Learning. But, I digress #nlc2012 #
  • @joostrobben Ahh, they need to recognize their WIIFM?! #nlc2012 in reply to joostrobben #
  • @daanva @joostrobben That would be investing research; seems a good idea in theory, but I wonder if happens I practice #nlc2012 in reply to daanva #
  • @joostrobben I suppose, but if we consider or accept the 90-9-1 theory of engagement, I wonder who the intended audience is? #nlc2012 in reply to joostrobben #
  • @joostrobben More valuable for the lurker than the community? #nlc2012 in reply to joostrobben #
  • @ai1sa Not a good problem; have you spoken to anybody on the conference committee? I am happy to help, otherwise #nlc2012 in reply to ai1sa #
  • I think this eTwinning project is quite interesting. I like the breaking down of intentional boundaries to leverage ideas #nlc2012 #
  • @sverjans @tryberg @robinyap Yes, a pesky concept that simply will not go away. Some people are indeed more equal than others #nlc2012 in reply to sverjans #
  • @stevewright1976 Ahh, I see you are indeed a professional conference attendee #nlc2012 in reply to stevewright1976 #
  • Wow, checking the #nlc2012 Twitter feed, it seems rather quiet today. Wonder what to read into that? #nlc2012 #
  • @JaneDavis13 @robinyap There were some definitions shared during the opening, but it seems there is not a universal, shared one #nlc2012 in reply to JaneDavis13 #
  • @gconole @suifaijohnmak Alas, nothing that can be attended via distance. Perhaps ironic given the context #nlc2012 in reply to gconole #
  • Just finished presenting my research in the Symposium. Phew! #nlc2012 #

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