- Today is the earliest my taxes were ever complete. All I need is to sign at the accountant's, and I can submit. Hurray!! #
- @C_J_Cage @aeratcliffe @kiwicito Wish I could have been there!! in reply to C_J_Cage #
- @JaneBozarth Odd; much of my Twitter use involves my academic studies, and I often neglect my professional work that pays the bills there! in reply to JaneBozarth #
- @JaneBozarth This was wonderful, Jane. Nice to see or rather hear thinking as a nice change from just reading about it. in reply to JaneBozarth #
- @NSRiazat Yes, lots of writing though it seems to never grow larger. You well? in reply to NSRiazat #
- @brainysmurf1234 Nice to see you as well; starting to see some of the same faces, so to speak. Did you find it useful? in reply to brainysmurf1234 #
- @sarahthesheepu Are you still coming to NYC in the very near and immediate future? in reply to sarahthesheepu #
- @sarahthesheepu Which program, mine in educational research or the one in Management Learning? in reply to sarahthesheepu #
- @ai1sa These days, this is all it takes! in reply to ai1sa #
- @gconole @aeratcliffe Thanks for the link! in reply to gconole #
- @Eingang Good point; I should probably check as well. in reply to Eingang #
- As the Hot Seat discussion winds down http://t.co/Zc4pOiIM nice to see discussion linking critical theory and actor-network theory #phdchat #
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