- Hoping to get my taxes done before I leave for work tomorrow. #
- @aeratcliffe As I said before, you could not do better than study with @gconole !! in reply to aeratcliffe #
- @gconole @aeratcliffe Yes, I now have sun-burnt ears! At least in talking about me you then left others alone and off the hook! in reply to gconole #
- @barrywellman Thanks, Barry. They are so clearly findable when you point the way. Looking forward to an interesting read! in reply to barrywellman #
- @barrywellman Great interview on NPR this morning!! Love to see the Twitter research, but cannot find it on your site. Is it there? #
- Aida is such a wonderful story with such well-known music. Would be a nice first opera for one looking to try one #MetOpera #nyc #
- @BarackObama College more affordable? Much more economical to study outside the US,alas. I find the UK more reasonable, even as non EU. in reply to BarackObama #
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