- Hurray; ironing done for the week. Now to fold and put it all away. #
- @ai1sa @gawbul That is a nice, tangible goal. Good speed to you! #phdchat in reply to ai1sa #
- @christiepooh No, I am not familiar. Hope things will work out. in reply to christiepooh #
- @robmyers Alas, they are not always the same. Not sure why. in reply to robmyers #
- @christiepooh So sorry; not sure who that is, though my thoughts are with you and yours. in reply to christiepooh #
- @sarahthesheepu How about today? in reply to sarahthesheepu #
- @ai1sa Imagine, ironing as meditative practice. in reply to ai1sa #
- @ai1sa I don't mind ironing; it is one of the few times during the week I am not able to multitask. in reply to ai1sa #
- Now time to do the ironing; after 4 loads of wash this morning, I have a pile ahead. #
- @ai1sa Enjoy the writing retreat! #phdchat in reply to ai1sa #
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