- I just spoke with Verizon for the 3rd time today, and they told me my iPh@ne 4S order just processed. Getting excited! #
- Being able to squeeze the #change11 live call into what was a most busy day turned out to be an excellent idea. What a great call. #
- @aeratcliffe @ianrobsons @NSRiazat Spot on; I have had commitments, meetings, and travel get in the way. I miss synchonrous #phdchat in reply to aeratcliffe #
- I have not even received my iPh@ne 4S yet, and am already wondering if the 32G memory I bought will be enough. #
- RT @sarahthesheepu: Iphone users everywhere are downloading iSO5 Blackberry users are downloading … NOTHING! #
- I can't believe #BlackBerry email has again stopped working. I have hardly gotten anything today. Can't wait for my new iPh@ne. #
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