- @Azuresong Who does? Anywhere in the nearby area? #
- @francesbell The days go by so quickly when there are so many wonderful things to see. #
- @mridulad Has been fantastic thus far. Have you been to all those places? #
- @annettemarkham Safe travels, and perhaps next time in London (or New York!). #
- @ltrprmvrn I felt more of it at Avebury than Stonehenge, but I clearly need to spend more time at both. #
- @lizith I so wish I could have gotten up to the stones, but alas that is somewhat frowned upon now. At least Avebury is more friendly. #
- @Azuresong Yes, seem to be. Wish I could have met some #OBOD folks while here in London / the UK, but perhaps during my next visit #druidry #
- @Azuresong The sites are quite wonderful, and the town itself has a number of new-age and pagan supplies and bookstores and such. #
- @sarahthesheepu I just replied to you with the wrong Tweet; I just deleted it. Would make no sense otherwise. #
- After seeing ancient sites west of London and then tweaking my #BERA2011 presentation, I am wiped. Glass of red wine and sleep await. #
- Walking around the grounds of Glastonbury Abbey. Beautiful location after the Chalice Garden and climbing the Tour. #
- Walking around Stonehenge. So glad the rain stopped as we got here. #
- Outside the British Museum waiting for the tour bus to Stonehenge, Avebury, and Glastonbury to pick me up. #
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